Monday, June 09, 2014

West Virginia's White Only Health Care System

In this video Klan members try to portray themselves as good guys, helping the needy, elderly and children. The Klan members socialize and exchange gifts. One gift, a knife holder, which a lady found ‘funny,’ depicted a black man being lynched with the blades of knives going through his body.
Let’s talk about West Virginia then since the Klansman brought it up. That state has a 34.4% obesity rate, which the KKK seems to be largely suffering from; only 44.8% of residents described themselves as thriving,the lowest in the nation.West Virginia has the lowest score for overall emotional health, ranking either the lowest or second-lowest in nearly all of the indicators considered by the Gallup-Healthways

West Virginians are the least physically healthy respondents in the nation. The state had the highest rates of both high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and the second highest obesity rate. It also had the highest rate of respondents unable to partake in age-appropriate activities. Adding to the state’s woes, is the abundance of White Supremacists in that state. With the extremely high obesity rate, I’m sure their military-style combat training will work out swimmingly. Y'all want gravy on that?

1 comment:

  1. Only if you make that gravy with un-pure, un-natural, West Virginia Freedom Water! mmmmm
    And Biscuits!
