Monday, July 07, 2014

Autoerotic Asphyxiation, Tea Brain Style.....

I will always admire and look up to the legendary phrase, American Ingenuity! If an Amuurican wants to find a new way to get off, well, git it on! YEEE HAHHHHH! Red nex don't wanna talk about gay sex. They all can git a hard on (thanks to their government-funded uninsured clinic Viagra pills, of course) But what you gonna do with it when big mommy says NO because her job at Hobby Lobby won't pay for her birth control pills? Well, I guess that's the basis for the Open Carry Gun Laws...hey, if you got it, flaunt it! But now a new more ingenious and creative variation on perversion...Now we got  customized Pickup trucks spewing black smoke into the air and they are quickly becoming the newest weapon in the culture wars. Sniff my tail pipe, bitch.....Ohh Yeah.......
 "Coal Rollers" are diesel trucks modified with chimneys and equipment that can force extra fuel into the engine causing dark black smoke to pour out of the chimney stacks. These modifications are not new, but "rolling coal" has begun to take on a political dimension with pickup drivers increasingly viewing their smokestacks as a form of protest against environmentalists and Obama administration emissions regulations. Many coal rollers focus their fumes on "nature nuffies," or people who drive hybrids, and "rice burners," or Japanese-made cars.
"The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan said,"I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me." uhhh "What? I never knew diesel smoke could make my kid stop breathing! Well, golly!"

It's interesting in a clinical sort of way  to analyze the almost textbook sexual guilt kind of psychological reluctance of the practitioners of this perversion to appear in the media.One big reason: The EPA was cracking down on devices that allowed truck drivers to remove diesel particulate filters. Coal rollers spoke in worried tones about Edge, the Utah company that took a $500,000 hit for selling more than 9,000 of the units, which allowed drivers to improve their mileage at the cost of tons of new particulate emissions. 
“I talked to a guy today who was almost crying about it,” one seller told me. “He said, I only get 10-12 miles to a gallon now. Before the filter, I was getting 20 mpg, and a whole lot more horsepower.” 
Rolling coal is different and totally legal process from removing the filter. And yet it has everything to do with the EPA. It has everything to do with Obama. It has everything to do with the tax credits that go to hybrids and electric cars. 
“I run into a lot of people that really don’t like Obama at all,” said one seller of stack kits from Wisconsin. “If he’s into the environment, if he’s into this or that, we’re not. I hear a lot of that. To get a single stack on my truck—that’s my way of giving them the finger. You want clean air and a tiny carbon footprint? Well, screw you.” 
These are the same idiots who whine, demanding FEMA money when their house is flattened in one of their Climatic change denial extreme weather events.......

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