Monday, July 21, 2014

It's The Occupation, Stupid.....

Aukland, NZ

There is not a lot any of us can do about what is going down in Palestine. We can only try to stay on the subject and let our voices be heard.  The pictures in this post are from just some of the pro Palestinian demonstrations all over the world in the last few days that you never heard about in the mainstream media, even though hundreds of thousands of people have been in the streets. Israel and it's apologists are doing everything in their power to erase ignore, obscure reality and deflect any argument and change the subject from the root causes of of the insane mess they created and now are trying to fix by obliterating it. The Palestinians were the inhabitants of Israel before the Israelis started their relentless expansion. Israel is not a brave new social experiment. It's a 60 year old oppressive regime bent on the destruction of the humans they have relentlessly tried to dehumanize and push into one of the most densely populated ghettoes in history. Of course they are having problems with the pesky survival instincts of a population driven to madness. People fight back when they are being exterminated. You want to scream in the faces of the aggressive apologists defending this atrocity, IT'S THE OCCUPATION STUPID! 
Rabat, Morocco
I have five comments:
Capetown, South Africa

1- The MOST IMPORTANT LESSON: Zion never want to leave one inch of Palestine (we now have prove-positive)
The events of the last few weeks, the last 50 years reveal a lesson that is not a military one. This is what Netenyahu said in hebrew just the other day.

Read it at link to

2- It’s the occupation, stupid!
Regardless to the argument, the point, or the case of the zionists or their (very last few remaining) friends in the US and Australia, our answer must always be IT’S THE OCCUPATION, STUPID!
When they talk about the three teens that were abducted and killed. Regardless to their ages, whether they were settlers, whether they were soldiers, etc. etc. All of this does not matter. Engaging in any of these points misses the mark and dilutes our argument. The ultimate answer is IT’S THE OCCUPATION, STUPID! If there were no occupation, this would not happen. Address the root cause, not the symptoms.

When Netenyahu or others try to convince the western powers that their attack on Gaza is justified and provoked, and would they allow Paris, London, Moscow, Berlin, DC be under rocket fire. Again, engaging in any of these points misses the mark and dilutes our argument. Our answer is IT’S THE OCCUPATION, STUPID! If there were no occupation, this would not happen. Paris, London, Moscow, Berlin, DC are not occupying Palestine. Address the root cause, not the symptoms.
3- Hamas made great progress in its rockets

While the huge qualitative and quantitative advantages of the zionist military against Hamas are a given (for now), you have to appreciate and admire  what Hamas has achieved in missile weaponry. They have done under occupation much better than any other Arab country has achieved. They did not let occupation stop them from improvising and constantly improving the rockets without having the scientists, the labs, the space, the billions from the US to do the required research and testing to improve their rockets. What an achievement. With such rudimentary rockets and no guidance systems and radars and lasers and satellites, and drones, Hamas forced the Israeli population and the colonialists to run in the streets, to be fearful, and to learn what being scared means.
So yes the Israeli interception and preparedness resulted in very little injuries and damage, and no death. But they know that Hamas can disrupt their lives and ruin their economy. The Palestinians can force the Israelis to see them. Look! Don't ignore us. And they are not going anywhere.

4- Arab dictators and rulers, count your days

All events have consequences. All actions and inactions have consequences. These awful and distressful photos of dead Palestinians are moving the Arab world. Maybe it’s not visible now but us Arabs we are a patient breed and the time will come (soon) where there will be changes in Jordan, Saudi, Kuwait, Emirates, other. Just look at who controls huge chunks of Syria and Iraq, and they are targeting Jordan next. These current events in Gaza will accelerate the toppling of the Syrian and Jordan regimes.

5- More and more young people all over the world are learning more and taking the Palestinian side,  speaking out and supporting the justice.
What is happening now with the Israeli crimes against humanity in Gaza is in fact moving the world’s youth. Politically aware young people are becoming immune to the Israeli blackmail and their shameful use of the Holocaust for political and ideological reasons with the goal of stealing Palestine. Scanning the Internet on the topic of Palestine, one can clearly see a fundamental and radical shift towards Palestine.
The Arc Of History Never Stops
It's The Occupation, Stupid!
There is a much larger dossier of photos after the break

Bethlehem, Palestine
Bethlehem, Palestine
Aukland, New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Valparaiso, Chile
Valparaiso, Chile
Amman, Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Nablus (
Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain
Metz, France
Washington D.C.
Washington D.C.
South Korea
South Korea
San Francisco, USA
San Francisco, USA
Ottawa, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Santiago, Chile
Santiago, Chile
Stockholm, Sweden
Paris, France
Paris, France
Glasgow, Scotland
Glasgow, Scotland
Lebanon (photo:AP)
Tokyo, ,Japan
Tokyo, ,Japan
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
Amman, Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Kansas City, July 20,photo by Billy Jo Larmore
Kansas City, Missouri (photo: Jo MacNiven)
Milan, Italy
Milan, Italy
Ft. Lauderdale, FL Woman with sign is Elena Stein
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
BuenosAires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sydney, Australia
San Francisco
San Francisco
Bogata, Columbia
Bogota, Colombia
Chicago, USA
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Montreal, Canada. Photo courtesy of Under the Olive Tree which airs on CKUT 90.3 FM every Thursday from 11am – 12 noon. Learn more at
Montreal, Canada. Photo courtesy of Under the Olive Tree which airs on CKUT 90.3 FM every Thursday from 11am – 12 noon. Learn more at
New York
New York
Montreal, Canada. Photo courtesy of Under the Olive Tree which airs on CKUT 90.3 FM every Thursday from 11am – 12 noon. Learn more at
Montreal, Canada. Photo courtesy of Under the Olive Tree which airs on CKUT 90.3 FM every Thursday from 11am – 12 noon. Learn more at
Kansas City, July 20, by Billy Jo Larmore. More photos here
Kansas City, Missouri (Photo: Jo MacNiven)
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Support of Israel in the US is politically and financially motivated. And then there are the fundamentalist Christians... It is Apartheid. It seems a two state solution is the practical answer at this time, but Israel wants total occupation and will not compromise.
    the Ol'Buzzard
