Saturday, July 05, 2014

Planter le Mai

A little slice of life from my village, Badefols d'Ans, two weeks ago. The official name of the ceremony is "Planter le Mai".  It's a local tradition in this part of France to honor the newly elected officials by erecting a tree decorated with flags at each of the homes of the new government and then a big one in the village. It seems to have become a custom after the Revolution, but the roots of the ceremony date back to pre christian times. The ceremony also includes a reception and dinner paid for by the newly elected officials. It was a great afternoon, we all drank a little more than we thought we would and the food, catered by Les Tilluels, the village hotel was excellent. A really nice way for everyone in the village to renew acquaintances and have fun!  Here, when there is a big fete and dinner and someone asks if it was good, the best answer is always, "Well, there was enough!"

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