Wednesday, July 02, 2014

The Persecution of Paul Bismuth

I think I have an infestation of these little pests on my lawn. I've been consulting gardening manuals, looking for a safe solution, but no luck...They recommend braining them with a shovel or traps, but the little fuckers are pretty fast. Tonight, the biggest one is taking over TF1 for a few hours to try to talk his way out of his latest trap. They actually had him in custody over night, in garde a vue...then the next step, he was "mis en examen" or arraigned. He's out now, his lawyers sprang him and he is pissed! Outraged. So outraged that he is on French television now on the attack against everyone. The judges are corrupt, the charges are all political. He is attacking the President, Prime minister and the Minister of Justice.  He is doing the classic Nixonian "I am not a crook" What are the present charges against Sarkozy you might ask, because there is a veritable multi volume dossier of active cases and investigations in the way of his pre ordained political comeback. This present case involves his involvement in influencing the judge investigating his campaign financing in 2012. He was caught on tape offering the investigating judge a cushy position in Monaco. He was using a cell phone registered under a fictional name, Paul Bismuth.  It isn't only Paul Bismuth under investigation, his lawyer and a judge are also facing charges which could result in a 10 year sentence. The big guys in the UMP Party are keeping their respectful distance as they all are in danger of being tainted in this affair. The ex chief of the UMP is under a separate indictment for embezzlement of funds along with his legal and accounting staff. Sarkozy is peripherally involved in this scandal as well. The Far Right Front National is guardedly cautious in their condemnation, because the same charges that Sarkozy is facing could very well bring them down. They have been fast and loose with abusing political funding rules. There is already the stench of a scandal involving illegal funding from Conservative American Lobbies and Think Tanks. We learn fast here....
So, tonight, the outrage, another blustering appearance from Sarko to rally his militants as we wait for the next shoe to drop. I can't say I'm not pleased. I cannot stand this little guy. He isn't Berlusconi and this is not Italy. As I said, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the investigations  circling around like vultures over his rapidly cooling political career. Here's a brief synopsis:

Bettencourt affair:
Sarkozy was accused of having "abused the weakness" of France's richest woman, the billionaire L'Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt to obtain illegal contributions to his campaign funds. His diaries were seized by police and remain confiscated and part of the inquiry. He was
eventually cleared from the case after having been mis en examen. Other members of his UMP party are expected in court on allegations linked to the case in January 2015. This is far from over, however.

Libyan affair
Since 2013,
judges have been looking into claims that Sarkozy's 2007 presidential campaign was partly funded by donations from the former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. A former member of the Libyan regime has claimed money was was paid.

Bygmalion affair
The lawyer for a consultancy company called Bygmalion has told investigators there was a double billing system for events organised during Sarkozy's 2012 campaign to hide the fact that it was costing more than allowed under electoral rules. The investigative site Mediapart claims Sarkozy's campaign could have overspent by €17 million. On June, financial judges were appointed to look into the allegations, including those of attempted fraud and taking and receiving.

Tapie affair
While Sarkozy was president, a complicated legal case involving businessman Bernard Tapie was sent by his government to arbitration, that eventually awarded Tapie €403 million. A legal inquiry is underway 
over whether the arbitration favoured Tapie, a Sarkozy supporter.

Karachi affair
Sarkozy has also been named
in the so-called Karachi Affair, in which illegal commissions and kickbacks were paid by France on arms sales to Pakistan allegedly to finance the 1995 election campaign of Edouard Balladur, who lost to Jacques Chirac. Sarkozy was Balladur's budget minister and director of his office.

And of course, then, there is his wife, Carla Bruni. Please make her stop..............................................
The morning after fallout of Sarko's I am not a crook rant Depending on which poll you read, 65 to 75% of the French still think he's a crook. He came across as being aggressively angry with no real substance in his rebuttals and his buddy, His ex Interior Minister, Brice Hortefeeux punched a camera. This entire sordid little episode was a huge tactical error for the petit Nicolas......

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