Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Forced Vacation

I've been off line for almost 5 days! We had a huge storm here on Friday and lost power and phone service. The power was off for 2 days and I got to use my generator to keep my freezer frozen and then we put it in my friends van and took it to some of the neighbors to keep their freezers frozen! The power came back on, but the problems with the lines weren't cleared up until early today. I notice that during the time I was off line, I lost a few blog followers...tant pis! I think I've pissed a few folks off with my opinions about Israel and Palestine. I haven't tried to offend, just present facts as I see them. At least they just slunk off instead of leaving threats like I got back in the days of Bush and Cheney. If that's the reason, then good riddance! If I irritate the right people, then I am doing something right. It's good to be back on line, back in the 21st century. A lot has happened in a few days and I'm just beginning to catch up. I am going to present a comic story I wrote over 10 years ago about Palestine which almost got published here in France and I kind of filed it away and forgot about it, but now it seems more relevant than ever. Meanwhile, tonight.....


  1. Sometimes I feel like i am running from the rock slide. We don't fill our freezer until late fall - that way if we lose power we can just open the freezer door.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I know a few farmers who I buy meat from and just invested in some organically raised beef and lamb! That's why I have a generator! I turn it on for an hour and it gets the freezer down to it's normal temperature and I also can power the hot water system at the same time. We still burnt lots of candles and the neighbors came up hill to have dinner and play monopoly!
