Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Silence of The Grapes

Here's a little video shot from the point of view of my buddy, Stef of some of the work on October 2 during the vendange at Chateau Vieux Chevrol. I stumble through at some point near the end and do a grape drop....The video is kind of bizarre because of the silence. Usually there is so much noise, I must have been between songs, because that is my survival technique. My co workers always tell me that they know I'm happy because I'm singing. I want to mention also that I haven't been posting much lately because I am taking care of my wife, who immediately after I got back, was scheduled for cataract surgery in both eyes, one at a time. Yesterday was the first surgery and I have become Frankie Nightengale. Cooking, cleaning and trying to think of what else I can do to. One of the hardest things is to not be overly attentive. I tend to make a lot of noise, so I am outside doing yard work. She is at the doctors now getting a post op check up. I am going to make a chocolate gateau.

1 comment:

  1. The people I know who have had cataracts removed have all done well and found the results remarkable. I hope this applies to your wife.
