Monday, September 11, 2006

C'est la fete!

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C'est la St. Cloud! A weekend of welcoming fall, our annual village fete! All the Badefolois and Badfoloise were having a great time! The Numa Numa song was blasting non stop along with the greatest hits of Patrick Sebastien. (The number one fete album in France, sort of country disco polka, every one sings along!)
While America was wallowing in it's 5th Anniversary 9/11 navel staring misery, torn apart watching a mediocre factually wrong miniseries on ABC, we had fire works, a grand ball, a great feast! Rides, Barb a papa! NOUGAT!
Today is the Traditional Harvest market, a tradition that goes back 600 years here.
There is garlic and onions and pumpkins and squashes of all sorts and of course a lot of regional products....Walnuts products, locally produce aperatif. There is a small company making meade (hydromel) and a chestnut based drink. Yes and the veal auction.
Yesterday, I rode my bike up to the village, we are almost 2 kiilometers away and got there in time for the big parade! There were 6 tractors, all cleaned and polished for the occasion pulling floats with kids! My favorite was the giant mushrooms, but the young hunters came in close! People ran around throwing confetti, just being there was exhilerating for me! I rode my bike from one end of town to the other to try to get different shots of the parade and having to make jokes and stop and talk to my friends!
Badefols d'Ans is a very old place. The meaning of the name is disputed. One translation claims it is corrupted latin meaning Beautiful Leaves...the other is taken from the Occitanian phrase meaning "Screaming Fool" and there is a story of a hermit monk in the 6th century who stood on the hilltop on Sundays and yelled so loud that he could be heard in the surrounding valleys! I tend to go with the latter!


  1. It is good to note that not all of the 'world' is held captive by its leaders.

    Have a grand time whilst we listen to Bush-Cheney speeches of fear monguering.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Your pictures remind me when I caught the Mardi gras in Nice, France. It had to have been in 1977. I was surprised that it was not like the festivities you hear about in New Orleans.
