Friday, September 08, 2006

never say never.........

Late friday night here here in La Sechere. For me a few days of encouraging signs that people can actually be mobilized and network together and accomplish something. I have received emails and forwards from friends all over America about what we can do to Stop the airing of The Path to 9/11. I've written emails to the local ABC stations in every city I've ever lived in in the USA! Scholastic Books, all levels of management at Disney and ABC, Apple Computers because they are offering free downloads of the program through itunes! I emailed the BBC because I read that they were going to pick up the program and show it. Interestingly enough, I just recieved an email from the BBC program Have Your Say asking if I would consent to a live telephone interview tomorrow.
I just read that in todays Variety, they report that ABC is actually thinking of pulling the show! I have seen reports of the controversy on CNBC and CNN International and it was mentioned on French Network news (France2) this evening. Maybe they will actually do it....
I intend to stay away from the whole thing from now on...Tomorrow starts La St.Cloud , our village festival! Three days of non stop festivities! A bike race, a petanque tournament, the village dinner, fireworks, a dance, a parade of decorated tractors pulling themed floats! The village square is full of cheap carnival rides and concessions...the invevitable Nougat sellers. It is all topped off by the big traditional market on Monday. The local farmers sell garlic, onions, pumpkins and squashes....really a good time to pick up on these things! The big event is the annual Veal Calf auction in the Place de Foire in front of our 11th century chateau!
Veal is a big industry here....nothing at all like the horror it is in America. I am surrounded by forests and pastures here in the hills and there are a few big herds of cows and the baby cows are born in the field and live pretty happy lives except for being occasionally terrorized by my dog J. Edgar who reverts to his border collie roots...........

1 comment:

  1. Yes, keep fighting the good fight.

    It will be interesting to see how Americans react to this politically-twisted film.

    Many Americans have awakened from their long brain sleep, induced by the propaganda spewed out by the Bush Cadre and fed to the dumbed-down citizens through right-wing radio and FoxNews.

    Many, but not all. There will always be that 30 - 35% who willingly accept moral authority from authority figures; who soak in every word like a sponge.

    Our only hope here is that enough awakened citizens will show up at the polls on November 7 to throw out the ugly masters of deceit and propaganda.

    Yet, the wickedness and tenacity of this power-hungry cadre cannot be overlooked. They have a plan just waiting to be sprung on our citizens shortly before this election. A plan driven by fear. A plan that will cause some recently awakened Americans to run back to their authority figures for 'protection.'

    Just wait and see. I hope I'm wrong, but don't bet on it. Those in power do not yield it easily.
