Saturday, October 28, 2006


As America goes into it's final mad week and a half before the midterm election, I am in a state of dazed shock. It's as if the screen has been pulled back and we get to see the frenzied crazy little men working the machinery and pulling the levers just like in the Wizard of Oz. I watch the candidates debate or what passes for intellectual discussion on American Political me it's more like some sort of bizarre sports match. For the most part, the Republican men are a pretty homogenized bunch of white, nasty bo-toxed face lifted zombies. Snake oil salesmen selling a vision of an America which does not and will never exist.
That's the biscuit...selling you a fantasy that doesn't exist. An idea of Freedom that is impossible for men like them to even concieve of. A false feeling of security from fears that they have made you imagine. The bo-tox and face lifting serve to create unreal unattainable esthetic that has nothing to do with the way real people look.
It's like the stylized kabuki like extreme makeup that became the norm in pre revolutionary Frances' court society. A total denial of reality. Layers of powder to make everyone a unwrinkled manequine, lots of rouge applied heavily to mask any sign of illness or aging and of course, you were nude if you went out with out your wig.
Now with the miracle of modern cosmetic surgery and makeup, everyone can look as if they had their heads dipped in the same vat of plastic. Just look at the women anchors on CNN. No one can move thir eyebrows any more.
So an aging culture that refuses to admit aging, a morally bankrupt regime that refuses to be accountable to anyone, a population that kids itself that it is free to choose yet accepts electronically stolen elections time after time. A Press whose Freedom is now ranked 53 in the world, A health care system ranked 48th worldwide, but at least we're number one for cost.
You know, some times I feel like the character John Belushi played in Animal House, Bluto! Full of dumb mindless optimism and enthusiasm. I want to tell everyone that we can do it! Yeah, We can take these bums! C'mon, where's that spirit? LET'S GO!
.......then I rush off right into the wall...............


  1. Damn it. Now I'm getting depressed again.


  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Great posting! I really liked the "stylized kabuki in extreme makeup" comparison. Keep up the good work and hopefully our efforts will make a difference. When the group of people I work with get tired and depressed, the others will say, “Keep the faith,” because I know for a fact that just one single person can make a difference! I have done it too many times myself. Some more examples on this thought; Thomas Payne’s book, “Common Sense,” started a revolution and the creation of a nation; Uncle Tom’s Cabin and John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry, brought to the nation’s conscience the injustice of slavery; Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela motivated people in their country to a non-violent change in the views to civil rights.

    As you know I am devoting a lot of time and effort to get rid of the corrupt incumbent Republican Maryland State level Senator in Annapolis. Maybe after the election we can return to a somewhat normal existence where we can devote more time on some of your recommended recipes. I know the ones I have tried so far have been a big success. Keep up the good fight, Keep the faith, and Good luck to us all next week.
