Sunday, October 29, 2006

Treats Or Dirty Tricks?

Pretty scary picture for Halloween! BOOO! BE VERY AFRAID! Today I read that in a last minute whirlwind flurry of activity, good old Uncle Karl Rove is making nonstop campaign speeches in the many many places where Republicans are in trouble and magically, hey, as Karl said, "It just happened to be in the stars!" the floodgates are opening and long delayed money promised to Katrina victims is falling from the sky!
Meanwhile, in Florida, the early voting experiences with the Diebold machines is having its all too predictable results. There have been quite a few cases of people voting, then as the screen goes to the final display for the voter to okay, presto, abracadabra, the Democrat votes all magically change to Republican votes! "This is just the kind of thing that gets those conspiracy nuts going!" wrote the Times.......
Speaking of conspiracy nuts, not all voting machines used in America are made by Diebold, some states use machines manufactured by Sequoia Voting Systems, a division of a company called Smartmatic located in Oakland, California. These machines have been relatiely problemn free. Diebold has very proven ties with the Extreme Right wing...the owners and majhor stock holders. Sequoia, seems to be free of these kinds of influences, but there is a rumor that Hugo Chavez is a stockholder. Republican bloggers are working overtime trying to dig up some sort of connection between Chavez and Sequoia so when the election goes the wrong way for them, they can start their own campaign of propaganda to link Chavez with somehow controlling the Sequoia Machines....I can't make this stuff up!
Your Halloween assignment, if you choose to take it, is to look at the picture of George above and tell me, do you think he hates our freedom?


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Mother Earth will comfort you,
    Lay your body down.
    Find the cost of freedom,
    Buried in the ground.


  2. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Yeah Yeah Yeah Johnson, no one hates the military, but the reason for war was crap.

  3. Anonymous1:48 PM

    To Anonymous;
    I wish I had a better idea to whom I was replying to. You need to be more articulate because I am not quite sure what you are trying to say. If you have read any of my other postings on this and History Mike’s site, you would see I have a very good grasp on what is going on in Iraq and the history of how we got there. For your benefit, I will repeat again a little history lesson. Please take the time to read this whole posting.

    In 1979 President Jimmy Carter had severed diplomatic relations with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and put it on a list of “terrorist nations.” This prohibited the sale to Iraq many U.S. made goods that could strengthen the Iraq militarily. Remarkably, in late 1983, none other that Donald Rumsfeld journeyed to Baghdad to pay court to Saddam Hussein on behalf of President Reagan. The purpose was to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iraq. This happened after it had become widely known that Saddam had used poison gas on Iranian troops. Soon Iraq enjoyed a brisk business with American firms. Some which supplied him with high-tech equipment and other materials of potential dual civilian and military use.

    The Washington Times (Oct. 1, 2002) reported, the U.S. Centers of Disease Control even supplied Iraq with strain of all the germs Iraq used to make weapons. Included were anthrax, the bacteria that make s botulinum toxin and the germs that caused gas gangrene. Even after Saddam had used poison gas on his own people in the late 1980’s, the U.S. kindly guaranteed a $4 billion “agricultural” loan extended to Iraq by Italy’s Banco de Lavoro.

    Now this brings us to the first Gulf War when the President, George H. W. Bush, encourage the Shia to rise up against Saddam but quickly backed off and dropped support to the uprisings. In 1991 on the ABC program, “This Week” the then Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney stated that the administration’s reason for not going into Iraq at that time was, “They preferred the stability in Iraq under Saddam to what was predicted as a Civil War with the U.S. troops caught in a quagmire between the two religious fractions.”

    Yes there was a time when Saddam was OUR brutal dictator with large oil reserves. Things were fine with the Status Quo until the event of 9/11. The oil cartel in the White House saw a chance to grab control of all Iraq’s oil reserves under the pretext of crushing the global terrorist threat. Now Dick Cheney is going around the television talk show circuit stating that no one could have ever predicted Iraq would have degraded into a Civil War when our troops went to liberate the Iraqi people and bring them freedom. All of those heart attacks must have given him memory loss from his own statements in 1991. You could also conclude that this means that no one else in the administration was doing their homework resulting in the poor job performance of this administration; or was it just blinding oil ambitions?

    My reference to CS&N is that the people of this country need to rise up and take it back from this corrupt administration. One thing is for sure, I know more than most how corrupt this current administration truly is.

  4. Mr. Anonymous, If you check back here, if you read some of the other comments in response to various posttings on this blog, you will see that wjohnson probably feels just as you do about the war.
    Hey, Geoge Bush hates your Freedon to ask embarrassing questions to George Allen! He hates the Freedom that Michael J. Fox has to make a campaign ad while suffering from Parkinsons disease. He hates the Freedom you have to walk inot a voting booth and freely and trustingly make the choice to vote against his party! He hates the Freedom that we have to hold Halliburton accountable for its theft in Iraq and abuse of the Iraqi population. He hates our Freedom to hold him morally accountable for ignoring human decency and trashing the Geneva Convention!
    How about you, got any thing else to add?

  5. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    My three song choices that the younger bloggers should familiarize themselves with are below.

    “Find the Cost of Freedom “
    Written by Stephen Stills
    Performed by Crosby, Stills and Nash

    Written by Neil Young
    Performed by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

    “For What It’s Worth”
    Written by Stephen Stills
    Preformed by Buffalo Springfield

    When we were their age, this is how people reacted to the last corrupt Republican administration. The sacrifice of the students at the “Kent State Massacre” was just one example of the true cost of freedom for our generation. The late teens, early 20 somthings need to step up to do their part here at home. They already have the example to go by. It worked then, it will work again.
