Friday, October 13, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

Today on the Evening News on France 2, one of the major networks here in France, Al Gore was interviewed. His Movie, An Inconvenient Truth is being released here this week. I plan to see it in our local theater in Terrasson. I am sure though, that it will end up on television here in the next 6 months.
Gore was comfortable and relaxed, the interview was conducted in French, he had an earpiece that translated the questions and answered in English with a voice over translation. The movie is being taken very seriously here as the entire issue. The interviewer expressed his amazement at the official American government position of wait and see and stonewallin the evidence with mountains of manufactured phony research.
The most interesting thing about the level of seriousness here is the fact that the movie was premiered in the French Senate!
They had a special session screening for the entire government!
The interviewer, David Puljadas seemed in disbelief when Gore stated that Bush has stated on a few occasions that he will never view it. He prefers to get his information from Michael Crichtons sensationalist science fiction that explains it all the way the he would like to hear. What planet is he living on now?
When the facts get in the way, just lie, lie and lie!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Hello Patrick,
    Glad to see you back on line! This is the “value added” viewpoint that only you can bring to us here in the States. This is why I refer to George “Alfred E. Newman (What me worry?)” Bush. This administration put in charge someone who does not have any kind of a degree to edit the Scientific Papers written by those with Doctorates in Science working for NASA. This person editing the science papers is a few credits shy of having a journalistic degree! He was put into this position at the request (payback for financial contributions) of the Texas Oil Companies to edit and rewrite the scientific documents that warn of the soon upcoming events to state the data is evidence that Global Warming is not happening at all. This dumb bastard does not understand the science enough to change the data, only the concluding statement at the end! This information was presented on 60 Minutes a few months ago.

    You can pass this following information to your French friends with my complete permission and blessings.
    As I have passed onto you before, I am a registered Republican and involved with the Party. However, I am also not a “March in Step” drone. I am very much an Environmentalist. I am the voice within the Party that is saying the controlling members of the Party have lost their moral compass and who think that if they tell a lie long and loud enough, it becomes truth. Yes, I am looking forward to the Democrats taking over both houses. I think that this is the only way to expel the corrupt ethics and morals that the Republican Party has morphed sadly into.

    A year ago last spring, I received a phone call from the lawyer on my Congressman’s staff. He was retiring and was thinking about writing a book. He told me, “I have been a Republican my whole life but this group in control now is the most corrupt I have ever seen. I am now ashamed to say that I am a member of the Republican Party.”

    In conclusion, keep up the good work, get the word out, and hopefully we can get responsible action taken.
