Thursday, October 12, 2006

Connecting Dots.....

I'm still having problems with the phone lines and ADSL here, but I am able to log on for an unpredictable amount of time. Perhaps tomorrow it will be fixed.
I actually want to float a few ideas I have poliitics in Ohio. I try not to be a conspiracy theorist or get too far out on a limb but when ever I have a wild idea, reality usually proves my imagination pretty tame.
This morning in Raw Story, I read a piece about the black Republican Secretary of State of Ohio,
Kenneth Blackwell, who is campaigning for governor. This is the same Blackwell who is regarded as the key player in fixing the 2004 presidential electionn in Ohio. This is the same Kenneth Blackwell who was found to have a lot of Diebold stock in his portfolio then excused himself because his broker handled all his transactions and he had such a diverse portfolio that he wasn't aware of all of his holdings.
The piece in Raw Story was about how he was making campaign appearances with Larry Pratt of the Gun Owners Association of America, a group far right of the NRA. Larry was an advvisor to Pat Buchanan in his presidential bid but wqas asked to leave because he was too racist and anti semitic. He is also a member of the CNP, The Committee for National Policy, a far right group that advocates among other things, the death penalty for homosexuals and is allied with neo nazi fascist groups in America..
Last month, Blackwell had his websight scrubbed of pictures and references that showed his relationship with the CNP. I find it very bizarre that an African American Politician is allied with such extreme racists.
Even more strange, the Ahmanson family are one the founding members of the CNP, they are also major stockholders in Diebold. Now we are connecting dots. The picture isn't very pretty.
Let's go even farther, last year in Toledo, Ohio, a neo nazi group from West Virginia was given permission to hold a white power march in a predominantly non white inner city neighbor hood. The rationality of this defied description. The very predictable outcome? A messy little riot that got international attention and scared the bejesus out of the white middle class voters in Ohio! Why was some outside group allowed to come into a neighborhood where their very presence would be a provocation?
I really don't know, I am connecting dots and the pictuure gets uglier and uglier, but if I was an Ohio voter, I would request a paper absentee ballot!
Any ideas?

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