Friday, October 20, 2006

Sit Down and Shut Up!

I would say that Sean Hannity very eloquently voiced the cold fist of fear that many Republican Pundits are feeling right now when he requested in his broadcast last night, that "Democrats, please, stay home! Your votes will not change anything. Please help to save America and don't vote!" I might have paraphrased him a might, but he went on to say that only Americans who are versed in the issues should vote. He meant, I think, that if you don't think as he does, just sit down and shut up!
When ever I have a discussion with a party line Republican, I can count on the discussion drifting to a set of talking points delivered with a sarcastic, superior attitude. I have had lots of practice with my two brother in laws over the years!
Nobody but they have the inside info and the intelligence to lead the rest of us. Never mind the reality, full speed ahead or where ever we are going this week.
Thank you Sean for insulting most of America! We need your swift kick in the ass to get us all motivated to charge into the voting booths and make sure you are looking for a new job in January. We assume that CNBC is going to go with the money and change the editorial slant enough to put a few of the more vocal jerks out of a job!

There is a quote of the day from wjohnson, a regular poster on this blog.

"Power doesn't corrupt. Fear corrupts...perhaps the fear of a loss of power."
John Steinbeck

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Katie Couric is now the lead anchor on one of the national nightly news programs that contain a segment called, “Free Speech.” Last night, 10-23-06, Katie had Sean Hannity on this segment. Well he had is 5 minutes, plus or minus, of his typical boisterous blow hard delivery passing on his wisdom on how everyone else is so dull, dimwitted, and how everyone needs to just aqueous to his thoughts.

    At this moment, I had an enlightened epiphany. I was watching the exact same skit or act that a professional wrestler would deliver when talking about an up coming opponent. For all of the bravado speech that included spitting with every word beginning with a “T” or “P”, the meaning of what was being said was just crap. He could have inserted verbiage like, “You just watch what happens when I get those Democrats in the ring with me and I wrap my 19 inch massive biceps around their heads and crush them like a ripe grape!!” “Oh man, are they going to be sorry!!”

    This man is playing to the exact same audience that watches professional wrestling and BELIEVES THAT CRAP IS REAL! The sad part is there, must be a lot of people in this group because this Blow Hard can keep enough ratings to have a continuing program.
