Thursday, October 19, 2006

Totally Illegal Mousse of Death!

I mentioned Madame Benets Chocolate Mousse last month. I said that if I had enough requests, I would print the recipe. This is with out a doubt, the richest most chocolate mousse you will ever experience. The problem is, it violates every known food warning from the FDA. You can reveal the recipe to your guests, but only at your own risk. It's not as if you eat mousse every day! Well, most people don't.
Madame Benet was a Bourgoise house wife living in Lyon. As most people in Lyon, they were obsessed with food and Lyon is the gastronomical capital of France. Madame Benets particular obsession was chocolate. She loved it and hoarded it. The family would find stashes of it buried in the linen closet. She developed this recipe because of her utter devotion to perfecting chocolate desserts. She claimed a mousse wasn't good enough unless the spoon stood up straight in it! It really is simple, the most important thing is the chocolate. I spent a lot of time looking for good chocolate when visiting the midwest. I wanted good dark patisserie style chocolate. I went in supermarkets and chocolate the chocolate store, the woman behind the counter suggested that I take 4 dark chocolate Easter Bunnies and melt them down.
I found some good looking chocolate in a whole foods supermarket, but when I tried to cook with it, the results were down right weird! So, I'm going to endorse a brand. Lindt has started to distribute in America and they sell bars of dark patisserie chocolate in their boutiques, iit is not overpriced...I think about $2.50 for 200 grams. Lindt makes wonderful chocolate. They invented the technique of modern chocolate making....Here goes, you will need:

400 grams of dark chocolate
200 grams of sweet, unsalted butter (1 stick=125 grams)
8 large eggs or 9 or 10 little ones

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and add the butter in little pieces. An aside, chocolate doesn't like to be stirred too too much when being melted.
Take it off the heat and when it cools a little, whip in one egg yolk at a time.

Whip the egg whites you have left from the yolks until they are stiff. Now this is the tricky part. Fold the whipped stiff egg whites carefully into the chocolate. Either carefully spoon the mousse into serving dishes or just refrigerate the entire bowl for a few hours. If you did it right, the spoon will stand straight up in the mousse and it will be as light as a, well not a feather, but light enough!
This will be the most intense chocolate experience of your life!
(Note, where's the sugar? If you use real patisserie chocolate, there is just enough sugar in it....this is about chocolate, isn't it? A serious adult chocolate dessert!)
Bon Apetit!


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

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  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

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  3. Anonymous3:24 AM

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  4. note...the above comments were deleted because they were totally like spam and we are talking chocolate here, not SPAM! I don't want to know how you made $900 in three hours on your blog page in syour spare time..............
