Monday, October 09, 2006

Technical difficulties!

A brief post to let everyone who visits this page know that things are on again off again with the phone company here. After last weeks storm, we lost our phone service for a few days and it still isn't back to normal. They tell us that it will be tomorrow because of the enormous amount of damage the storm did. Right now, there is no phone, but magically. the ADSL is working.
I am using my precious internet moments to answer emails and check out what is going on in the world! I just read a few sources saying that todays Nuclear Test in North Korea was actually a dud. I also read that the USA is in position to attack Iran as of this weekend!
Of course, we wouldn't have the problems with either of these two countries if it wasn't for the ridiculous horrrific anti diplomacy of the Bush Administration. If in fact, the North Korean Test was a dud, this is the golden opportunity for the start of real talks.
As far as Iran goes, any aggressive action by the USA would be the gravest tactical error it has ever made. Pray for Peace!
I will try to post more tomorrow if the line is fixed!
A bientot!

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