Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tomato Republic?"

"Who does this Strickland guy think he is? Ohio is my state and when we are done with him, he's gonna wish that he never left Dayton, or where ever the heck he came from!" Ken Blackwell was fuming and using harsh language, he almost actually uttered a real curse word. "Get my assistant! Let's look at the rules again! He has to be doing something wrong. Is it too late to write some new ones?" The assistant came running in, "Boss, I'm on the line with Diebold, they say that it's gonna be hard to spread the votes out in enough precincts to offset the latest polls. You are down by another 4 points!" Kens eyes rolled up to the ceiling, "Tell Diebold, we have a deal, gosh darn it all, and they better play by the rules or if I go down, they go with me!"
Ken Blackwell is down in the polls and the GOP is beginning to abandon ship in the Ohio elections. Campaign funds are drying up as the Republican strategists pump the money into races where there still is a chance. It's time for desparate measures and the New York Times reported today that Ken Blackwells office is actually investigating the possiblity of having his opponent Strickland declared inelligible to run, making Blackwell the de facto winner of the election due to no opponent. He is trying to use the fact that even though Strickland is a legal full time Ohio resident, he might not be able to run because he owns a number of residences in Ohio and the address he used for filing his gubernatorial campaign papers might not be his primary one.
This is technically not a violation, but the Secretary of State has already started an investigation to see if it could be intepreted as one. This is patently ridiculous and immoral!
The Secretary of State is a candidate and is also interpreting the rules in his favor, like the petty dictator of a corrupt republic which is what the State of Ohio has become.
The Tomato Republic

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