Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I wanted to write about something completely different today, but this guy, Ken Blackwell keeps stomping my dreams and forcing his ugly reality in our collective faces! Last night, Blackwell and Strickland had a televised debate in Ohio. Blackwell took it to a new level of ugliness by baselessly accusing Strickland of being friendly to Pedophiles and supporting NAMBLA.
Strickland had to deny it and later deny it agaiin because once in the art of THE BIG LIE, once it is in the publics mind, it takes on a life of it's own!
In my last post, I wrote of how Blackwell is abusing his position of Secretary of State of Ohio. He over sees the voting regulations ands has used them to bring in Diebold voting technology in spite of the fact that he has very personal connections with the Diebold Corporation. He has also used his position to purge registered Democrats from the voter rolls.
In the last postt, I wrote of how he is trying by stretching the meaning of the language of the candidate registration rules to even disqualify his opponent from the Governor race making himself the only candidate and de facto winner.
If you are a registered Democrat in any state that uses Diebold voting technology, this concerns you! You owe it to yourself to check and see if in fact you are still eligiible to vote, EVEN IF YOU VOTED IN THE LAST PRIMARY! If there is any reason that could possibly be used tto disqualify you, whether real or a technicality, it probably has been used by this time.
Please check out this post on


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    This is scary stuff. This is why our founding fathers had the foresight to put in the second amendment.

    Amendment II
    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. “

    When a repressive and corrupt government gets embedded into the system, our founding fathers made sure the citizens had the means to remove it. Just as they had to throw off the shackles of the British colony system, the people of Ohio may have to engage in the same methods. There maybe a “Bunker Hill” in Ohio’s future. I guess too many people have forgotten our last repressive Republican government which led to “Kent State.” It is not a task to be taken lightly but only made necessary if the rest of the governing body in Ohio allows these abuses to proceed. Here maybe the root of the problem. When the Governor and Congressmen from of Ohio are being found guilty of corruption and taking bribes, and are still in office making and voting on policies. This in as much speaks for itself on how much the people of Ohio will tolerate. Has the Rush Limbaugh’s and conservative talk radio marketing infomercials performed the brain washing so well that the citizens stopped thinking for themselves?

    The people of Florida experience the exact same thing. The person responsible of purging the election rolls of Democratic voters which skewed the eligible voters towards the Republicans; is now running for Congress to represent Florida. Yes it worked well in Florida so they will do it again in Ohio. The success in Florida is why we have Goofy from Disney World as President….or is that just one of the alcoholic, coke whore, Bush kids?

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    There is the old political adage, “Power corrupts and absolute power will corrupt absolutely.” But I think that John Steinbeck said it better, “Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts….perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” I think that John Steinbeck scenario is the one that applies here.

  3. wjohnson, your comments are heady stuff. You should be blogging, I could write your jokes!
    America has been softened up by incessant threats of attack from the outside, whether it be terrorists of ideas. Rush, O'Reilly, Savage and their ilk are more entertaining to the masses than any sane reality.
    The real enemy is within....Do you remember the old Pogo comic strip by Walt Kelley? It was amazing how much sly humor he could sneak in about the cold war....
    The recurring quote in Pogo was "We have seen the enemy and it is us!"

  4. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Yes, I do remember the Pogo comic strip very well. It was one of my favorite comics. You are correct; the recurring quote, "We have seen the enemy and it is us!" is a classic and still true today.

    I am so very busy that I really do not have the time to put together a blog and keep it current but thank you very much for the compliment. Your words are kind and with the addition of your biting humor, the blog would go platinum.

    Shortly after the Constitution was signed by our founding fathers, Ben Franklin made the statement that the Bill of Rights provided by this Constitution would not be taken away from an outside force (meaning England at the time) but would be legislated away by those whose leadership would follow, based on the pretext of a threat from an outside source. So 230 years later, enter the Cut and Run, Gutless Republican White House and it is called ironically enough “The Patriot Act.”

    New Subject:
    Sometimes the web service does not pass on pictures I attach to my e-mails. Did you get the PDF of Richard Nixon’s resignation memo to Henry Kissinger? Sometimes it is just to taxing on my blinding 24k bite country phone lines. The modem is 56K but has never come even close to those speeds.
