Monday, January 29, 2007

CoCoRico! Your French Election 2007 update!
It's been a wild week in the election, Jose Bove is in, LePen is in!
A French comedian celebrity imitator with UMP Party affiliations, sort of the
Dennis Miller of the Sarkoists called Segolenes Socialist Party Headquarters pretending to be the Prime Minister of Canada. Last week Segolene made a statement
about Quebec which was taken out of context. The Comedian recorded the conversation and they made jokes about Corsican Independance. Then the tape was leaked to the media and another tempest in a teapot occurred. Sarko stated that Sego was incompetent and she just laughed it off. On the other hand, Segolene hired the ex president of Green Peace in France as her environmental advisor. Another breaking scandal developped as it was revealed that Sarko had him investigated by the police
to dig up any dirt that could be used against him. A blatant abuse of power by the candidate who is also the Minister of the Interior. Formal charges were filed this week.
Charges were also made that Sarko was running his campaign out of the Ministrys' switchboard, using government employees. Then there was the human interest
stories about how the Sarko Campaign Headquarters in the 10th Arrondissment in Paris has turned into an armed camp making it impossible for the residents on the street to lead normal lives.
It was also revealed that Jacques Chirac had initiated a series of clandestine talks
with Iran in an attempt to reopen the channels of calm diplomacy, This was scuttled
when it was leaked to the press and the American government protested that France was subverting the United Nations (whatever?).
Today in the Canard Enchaine Political Newspaper it was revealed that the source of the leak was the Foreign Minister himself, Doust-Blazie who is now a Sarkoist.
Sarkozi is against Chiracs diplomatic move because A) He would hate for Chirac to score any points on this matter. B) Sarko is in lockstep with the Americans and C) He is also very much in with the Likud and courting the Jewish vote here.
Of course, this has enraged Chirac who I think at this point would do anything to bring Sarkozi down., not to mention any number of other personal enemies in his oppwn party he has created over the years.
Segolene has gotten the endorsement of ecologists, womens groups and slowly the
personal endorsement from thousands of small organizations here. She seems to be building from the bottom up Sarkozi started by crowning himself in a very ostentatious public ceremony then the smears began.
The media is having a field day with him. His two big celebrity endorsements have backfired. Johnny Halliday who has publicly moved to Switzerland to avoid paying French taxes and a rap artist he seems to have paid off to give him "Street Cred".
The Rap Artist who goes by the shady monicker of Doc Gyneco will probably never sell another record and tonight I watched make an ass of himself on a news talk show
tring to explain his position to an aghast audience, most were gape mouthed
shocked at how entirely vapid he was. The rest of the Rap community is recording stuff with titles like Sarko Fascio! There are almost a million new voters here this year and most are from the inner cities and the mood is Sarko Fascio!
He is a very dangerous man!

1 comment:

  1. If nothing else, French politics is a lot more entertaining than American politics.
