Monday, January 29, 2007


This is an experiment for me, I am trying to embed a video. This YouTube Viideo was made by Dan McEnroe and is dedicated to Monsieur Spocko of SpockosBrain who I have written about in a few posts in the last two weeks...recap, Spocko hears obnoxious Hate Radio Station KSFO. Spocko gets pissed, organizes and promotes sponsor boycott of Hate Speech...Station owner ABC/Disney threaten Spocko with phony legal action. Spocko's blog is banned by chicken shit blog administrator. The blog community rallies, More advertisers cancel, Spocko gets legal help and fights back. KSFO goes ballistic, insults everyone and only makes themselves look nastier and stupider. Spocko gets blog back(Check out Spockosbrain in the sidebar and blogintegrity!) and the fight goes on, but you know what? It looks like this time we are winning!


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    I am sure that there will be the Nathan Hale of our times emerging through the blog type of communication. The power of the people dedicating their time and resources to get the truth out and throw off the shackles of corporate only sponsored “Big Brother” communications.

    Lets all keep the faith!

  2. Great video - funny, yet with an important message.

    Thanks for keeping us posted on Spocko, Microdot.
