Friday, January 19, 2007

$ Lost In Space!

Get Crichton on the phone! Now! George was sputtering almost dangerously inhaling a pretzel fragment again. He coffed and made a mental note to stop eating pretzels when he was so excited. The memo on his desk was glowing...the type etched in his brain, Successful Chinese anti satellite missile test knocks out target on first try!
I wanna get the guys at Rayathon in here! What does this mean?
"Now, now, Mr.President", the advisor from NASA was crooning in a soothing voice,
"It's not really a problem, we're already working in it!"
George whined in a mocking voice,"But you said they wouldn't have the capability for 25 years! We haven't even gotten the gigantic galactic laser destruction platforms off the ground yet and now the Chinese can blow them up before they are even built!"
The Rayathon Executive walked in the door of the oval office and the NASA guy gave him a discreet warning glance. He got the message immediately, "Mr. President, sir, I know you are concerned about the Chinese Missile Test today! We are already ahead of them on that, we are almost on the verge of a breakthrough to make them invisible!" The President stopped and thought for a minute, you could almost see the tiny wheels turning and the little vein which had become so prominent lately when he was "thinking" began to pulse on his right temple. "Invisible?" he gasped.
"Yes sir! When we launch them, there won't be any detectable physical evidence that they actually exist! The Chinese will never see them, uhhh, you will never see them. In fact, there will never be any physical record of any sort that they ever existed!"
George gasped, "That's amazing! uhhh, but how will we know they exist?"
The executive from Rayathon winked at the NASA guy and said, "Sir, you just have to believe they exist! Now if you could just sign the secret authorization for the funding so we can complete our secret task to insure the safety and welfare of the future of America and insure that your legacy will be engraved in gold in the history books of the future!"
They all stopped to wipe the tears from their eyes.


  1. I'm laughing and crying at the same time.

  2. Great wit! I think Raytheon did some work for Saddam, too: those invisible WMD's, you know.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    In the mid-nineties, the rightwing nut job, Rush Limbaugh, use to rant and rave on how Clinton gave China our rocket technology. “Clinton had betrayed this country!!” The truth of this matter is as follows.

    This story was passed onto me by the neighbor to my parent’s home. He is an engineer working for one of the defense sub-contractors at NASA’s Goddard facility, just outside of the beltway of D.C. I have his business card that I can scan and pass onto you as proof. My mother’s neighbor passed on that it was one of the Sales Engineers with this defense sub-contractor, trying to make a sale of their products to China. When everyone was pushing for “Most Favored Trading Status” for China, (this included the then dominated Republican Congress and Senate) he felt it was fine to pass on the technology that the Chinese did not have in order to make a sale. When he was making his sales call, the Chinese made the comment that they would be interested in doing business with his company but they could not justify it because their rockets were still blowing up on the launching pad. This Sales Engineer took out a scrap piece of paper and proceeded to draw the problem with their design and then passed on the correct design to get their rockets into space. With this information in hand, the Chinese tested out the design and found that it worked. The Sales Engineer associated with the defense sub-contractor working with NASA got a large sales contract from China. Back at home in the U.S.; it was how he got the contract that had mixed feelings with the other employees within his defense company. Everyone realized the ramifications on what he had done to get a sales contract. But on the other hand they were being accepted as a “Most Favored Trading Status” partner.

    Now everyone wants to act surprised when China takes a giant leap in their technology?

  4. as usual, wj, your real time experiences shed a light on our "intuition" and illuminate the twisted path of reality.
    Rush Limbaugh has said a lot of stuff with out knowing which orifice of his body was doing the speaking.
    This is how "shit happens" in the real world and how the Republicans do all they can to cover their sorry asses and collect the check at the same time!
