Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Hey, it's Dick Cheney, our 21st century kind of vice president! He's a go getter, major player, multimillionaire kind of guy! Don't have no time for self reflection, details, the law, Hell, he makes the law! What is the Constitution anyway to a 21st century government CEO?
Some antique relic on fading parchment by written by idealists back in the 18th century.
Way back then, when you could have ideals and there was time for patriotic fantasies!
That was then and this is now!
By the time congress gets around to even considering what mile a minute Cheney is doing, why he's come and gone, did it and went, collected his check and now he's kickin back with a coupla shots of Chivas!
If someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, Dicks advice is "Lie!" who the hell cares, if they don't like it, tell them to Fuck Off!
He can do it and that's what American likes about him! He's a gogettin' lyin' son of bitchin' shoot em in the face and tell them to fuck off kind of guy! He's going places........uh huh..................yup....
Tony Snow when asked last week end at a press conference if America had any plans to attack Iran, laughed it off as an Urban Rumor kind of thing. Meanwhile, the pieces are falling into place, aircraft carriers in the Gulf, very obvious threats from the President in his BEEEG SPEECH last week. At the same time there was an extremly provacative "fishing expedition" on an Iranian Diplomatic building in which Americans seized personell, records and computers to find anything which could be cooked to prove Iranian complicity in the violence there.
Today, there was a report that the ING bank issued a advisory to its investors on January 9, to prepare themselves for an American attack on Iran in late Febuary/March. There was also an article in a Kuwait newspaper which stated that there was going to be an American strike in by April. But we Americans learn only through the eyes and ears of the rest of the world what is really going on. Cheney gets on FOX News and lies, Tony Snow lies at a White House Press Conference. The President goes on 60 Minutes on Sunday and lies because that's what the American people want to hear. It's pointless to ask the rhetorical question, "When did they tell the truth about anything?".
I think it's pretty obvious that Dick Cheney wants to provoke Iran into some sort of action that could be used like the Gulf of Tonkin incident was in the Vietnam War. Let's face it, America likes war as long as we are winning....they've got to change the subject fast to keep the war in Iraq going until they can get out with the loot!
I also believe that the vice president believes that we are engaged in Iran, the heat is off of the executive branch, they can use the hysteria of Iranian Security threats to further expand the executive seizure of power and throw the rule book out the window.
It always sounds so simple to these psycopaths...first we lob a few neutron bombs into their reactors, and then when the revolution starts, we walk in, the Iranian people throw roses and felafels at us and we get all the oil! Yah, great, I'll drink to that!
Meanwhile, Iran has been pretty good at making alliances and Russia sure doesn't want to deal with American adventurism any closer to it's door step. Another piece today in Reuters detailed a delivery of new model anti missile defense rockets as well as the continuing arms sales to Iran. America has only Israel as an ally in this venture and you can bet that we will find our selves even more diplomatically isolated than we have ever imagined.
But that isn't going to stop Dick, no sir, no snail paced afraid to look soft on terror Congress is going to pass any laws that he'll bother to read, not this boy, no sir! He's ahead of those sissies already. He's already got his next pack of lies ready......


  1. Every time I think I have these Neo-con artists figured out, they up their game to a new level. Bush loves to play Commander in Chief and I bet he can't wait to send the jets and missles screaming toward Iran. Cheney isn't really human, is he? All those heart operations were really for replacing human organs with electronic robotics. He's a Borg and resistance is futile.

    Glad you are recovering from the flu. I highly recommend flu shots for next year. Flu is no fun.

  2. I apologize if you tried the links in the piece,they worked last night when I posted it! I realize that there is not a lot we can do about Mr. Cheney and his dreams, but it helps me to vent!

  3. As you know, microdot, my religious faith isn't too deep but...

    ...what about a billion people around the world sending extremely negative energy his way?

    Couldn't hurt.
