Friday, August 31, 2007

Yaourt Greque

Here is something that has become a part of our weekly lives. Making Yoghurt.
I eat yoghurt for lunch almost every day. In the last few years, the Greek
variety has been widely available. I like it because it is rich, thick and creamy.
Yoghurt is pretty cheap as far as dairy products go and the best is a very natural
product, just milk and the bifidus culture.
When I lived in New York, I started to make it myself. It was satisfying to save money by buying boxes of powdered milk and a using the yoghurt from one batch to start another. One day I had the bright idea to add a can of unsweetened condensed milk to my yoghurt and the results were superb! Now, here in France, for some reason and it might have to do with how the dairy industry is subsidised differently between the two countries, whole milk is cheaper than powdered we use whole milk.
The technique is very simple. Heat a liter of milk and the can of unsweetened condensed milk in an enameled pan. For some reason, I don't get the same consistent results when I use a metal pan. Heat the milk to just below the boiling point and let it cool, covered, to the point where it is comfortably warm on the skin. Like testing a babies formula, I suppose. Then add a container of fresh plain yoghurt.
There is a variety of yoghurt here called bifidus, but in America, the plain Dannon culture works just great.
Then I put the pan with the yoghurt milk mix in a basin of warm water, covered into the oven, which I have heated and let get warm, not hot!
Let it sit over night. In the morning, you will have yoghurt. I have a lot of the classic little glass yoghurt pots that I use over and over. I spoon the yoghurt into the pots and cover them with foil and find that after three days in the fridge, I have better yoghurt than I have have ever bought commercially. I don't have yoghurt containers to throw away and it works out to 1/4 the price of commercial Greek Yoghurt..
Try it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your homemade yoghurt brings me back to the 1970's when I tried to get my young family to eat more healthily. Poor results with young children.

    Remember Adelle Davis, the wild and crazy nutritionist? I followed her recipies for yoghurt and they turned out swell.

    As the weather is now turning cooler, i'll try your sweetened condensed milk [which I love in winter coffee].

    Thanks for the heart-felt tip.

    Some fresh local/Catawba peaches would be a great topping.

  3. Our kids have become avid yogurt eaters since we fed them yogurt at early ages.

    Of course, they prefer the "fruit-on-the-bottom" kind, with sugar, but at least they get the cultures.

  4. I have noticed that SoySilk now makes soy yogurt and I've tried it. Very nice, but I don't want to keep buying little plastic containers. I wonder how difficult it would be to make yogurt at home using soy milk,

  5. Interesting comment regarding soy milk yoghurt. I had never thought about how it is made. Would you use the same culture as animal milk?
    I have to find ut!
