Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mens At Work

Microdot has big headache! Computer acting very funny and I've been doing diagnostics on it all day. I live in the middle of nowhere near noplace with an Apple dealership. It's a 8 year old IMac and I have done some strange things to it to make it run OSX. I am not a computer tech but hey, a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do! I took it apart and cleaned it and put it back together and it turns on now. My brains hurt! Maybe it will work after I turn it off tonight and turn it back on tomorrow! Cross your fingers for me.
Meanwhile, I have found this video of Jimi Hendrix playing All Along The Watch Tower live. I think it's at the Isle Of Wight Festival in 1970. For your Pleasure!


  1. Now that was something to pick me right up after a long hot day at school! Jimmi, Jimmi -- you should never chew chewing gum and sing at the same time, but damn -- that costume is hot and so was his guitar, sigh.

    Sorry to hear about your computer problems. Sometimes it gets very annoying how fast computers become obsolete.

  2. I believe that i read that Hendrix was one of those very rare people with perfect pitch.

    Pavarotti, rest his soul, did as well.

    Best of luck with your Mac. My PC is about that same age and has its share of aches and pains.

  3. The good news is, after a thorough cleaning, it seems to work.
    I took the shell off and carefully used the vacuum cleaner and a soft water color brush.
    I thought the power unit was beginning to show its age and start over heating which would have tripped a circuit breaker.
    But it seems to be a simple matter of dust in the power button...

    Regarding Hendrix...there are people who can"play faster" now a days, but as far as totally original thinking and vision, he was an artist like Stravinsky. He changed everything!

    I recently saw a broadcast of his performance at Monterey and he played "Like A Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan. What a totally brave, intelligent idea!
    He was one of the few artists to take the brilliance of Dylan and enhance it through his reinterpretation.
    Coupled with his tradition of Southern Soul showmanship....
    doing guitar tricks...playing with his teeth or putting the guitar in back of his head and his singing, this guy was the brilliant standard by which all others are judged.

  4. Jimi certainly makes greatness look easy!
