Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Yesterday I ran a picture of the FOX News logo and spoke of how Fox got the exclusive Bin Laden Tape Terror exclusive direct from the White House. FOX is the propaganda voice of the administration. They claim in their motto to be "Fair and Balanced". In fact they are the podium for some of the biggest propagandists and biased liars on the air today. FOX News casting, when it isn't embedded custom padded reportage is a joke.
They are the bottom feeders of the News Services, often recycling old footage and more often just plain getting it wrong. Bottom Line? Trash, propaganda and shoddy misinformation!
Listen, do yourself a favor and watch a real fair and balanced network for your news.
A Station that outclasses BBC World, makes CNN look like a high school audio visual project and gives you news you won't see any where else.
I'm talking about Aljazeera English!
They seem to have picked up the cream of the personell who left BBC after it was declawed by Tony Blair including Sir David Frost. There are Americans on the payroll as well. The graphics are great, the style is hip and urban. The programming is varied and entertaining for a news channel and they truly are fair and unbiased!
The debates and interviews are as scathing and as "devils advocate" as Hard Talk on BBC. Nothing is dumbed down. I have become a real fan since it became available free here in Europe on the Astra 1K satellite.
It is available free in America as well now. If you want to check it out, the coordinates are:
Satellite: 1AS, 97 degrees west orbital, transponder 15, frequency 11999 MHz horizontal, FEC 2/3, Symbol Rate 2000.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed that Aljazeera is a fairly reliable source for news, especially coverage of events in the Middle East that get ignored in the West.

    Unfortunately, in too many American minds this network is associated with the words "terrorism" and "Islamofascism." I suspect that audience growth by Aljazeera will be scant until Amercans have been deprogrammed from associating all Arabic-sounding words and names with terms like "terror" and "evil."
