Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Tuesday night...I've been back from Vieux Chevrol for 2 days now. It's been a very long vendenge with a break of 3 days because it was so cold that the grapes stopped ripening! It rained and was miserable at times, but I have to say that I am looking forward to next year already....as soon as my feet stop aching!
After such a long break, the hardest thing about blogging is to start again. I was cut off from all media except for my little radio which picked up BBC World and French FM stations. I tried to listen to the news, but I would usually fall asleep waiting for it to start.
Now I'm catching up and letting the dust settle.
I will have pictures and write a post about this years vendenge very soon. It looks to me that for the Lalande Pomerol, it will be a very good year. Once the grapes ripened, they had nice hard skins and good sugar content. The quantity approached 2004 and the quality was superb, very little rot or mold.
Needless to say, the quantity of fat juice gorged grapes made my job as a porter, tougher. We all worked together as a team and the spirits were high which made the hard work enjoyable!
Catching up with the news is formidable. The demonstrations in Burma and the inability of the world to do anything to help iis mind boggling. I came back to find a petition from moveon.com in my email to the President of China asking for his assistance. From what I gathered the Western Media for the most part stopped talkiing about it as soon as the images and information stopped flowing. From what I have gathered from French TV and Al Jazeera, there was a massacre that has been barely reported in the news.
I also read about the leaked Bin Laden tape by the White House. Aparrantly, the tape was intercepted by an organization secretly tracing communications from Al Qaeda. They covertly got the tape a few days before it was to be released. They sent the information to the White House letting them know. The White House released the tape within hours of recieving it exclusively to FOX News which immediately aired it . The Agency monitoring the Al Qaeda communications said that their link went black almost immediately, effectively blowing 3 years of covert work. I hope that FOX's ratings at least went up a few points over the terror exclusive! PRIORITIES!


  1. Welcome back -- you have been missed! Sometimes I think that we need to pay more attention to the grapes and less to the news of the world. Sometimes the news can so depress that it becomes difficult to go out and work in the garden.

  2. I have missed your ferreting of the important world politics stories. Welcome back.

    After returning from a 2 week trip to Germany this May, it took me many days to read a newspaper or watch TV. That other world seemed far away while I was on holiday.

    Regarding Fox-Bush, clearly it does not surprise you or me. Tell me, what has Bush done right in his nearly 7 years in office?

    He has a reverse midas touch.

  3. I notice that Mizz Thang has successfully hijacked the thread, Anna, yet another Russian Princess with her holier-than-though postings.

    I am surprised that the folks there allow her this opportunity.

  4. Mizz Thang's involvement with Pourquoi pas is one of life's mysteries. I think she is an amusing alien life form to many of the posters, but I'm beginning to find the constant one topic boring posts, the same ideas over and over again incredibly boring and it is dragging down the creative energy of the rest of the posters.
    I am going to take a short break this week end to go to Dijon, but I'll do a post with photos when I get back.
    In November, I am going to try to do remote posting from Toledo and New York! I will be in the USA from the 7th to the 21st of November.

  5. Toledo, eh? Rather than a cup of arsenic, perhaps you would like to chat over a nice imported beer?

  6. bien sur, mon grand! Je vais vous envoyer quad je fais le rentre che moi prochain Mecredi!
