Thursday, October 25, 2007


Who told them to do this? Is media allowed to be this idiotic and still be allowed to call themselves a News Station? This is more like the National Enquirer or Ripley Believe It Or Else. For the past two days, Fox News has been whipping up frenzy and fear by claiming that Al Qaeda started the California Wild Fires.
Based on a 4 year old item on the Drudge Report, FOX News has been insinuating that the California Fires are an Al Qaeda Terrorist act. This is not some half baked spewer of conservative bile like O'Reilly, but actual news commentary interspersed with their lame attempts at actual news reporting.
On the surface it's almost hilariously pathetic, but deeper, it's not, it's part of the pattern we have lived with since the attempt to control America through it's fear of terrorism started after 9/11.
This is how Americans get their mis information. Bush insinuates that Saddam Hussein is connected to Al Qaeda, the Vice President makes a few statements that aren't backed up by evidence and it becomes part of the litany of terror.
This is how America will be led to war with rumor, unsubstantiated statement and innuendo.
FOX is the misinformation wing of the Administration. If they are sending this message in their news reporting, it isn't by accident. Part of the destruction of your rights and the manipulation of your fear is is done by deliberate propaganda techniques. This is irresponsible reportage in the extreme, but in reality, this is not the NEWS! This is your mind being taken hostage by FOX!

1 comment:

  1. i had to laugh when I saw this. I cannot imagine that Fox viewers actually believe what they see there.

    It's a two-bit operation of the Bush administration.
