Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Only Man Standing!

End the war, Defend the Constitution and instead of apologizing for your beliefs, Fight like hell when opponents attack you or the country.

These are the words of Connecticut Democrat Senator Chris Dodd, the presidential candidate is holding the hard line in opposing the administrations attempt to modify the federal foreign surveillance laws. He said that the Presidents willingness to trample your Constitutional Rights again are handing the terrorists another victory.

He promised to filibuster any law that would give telephone or internet providers immunity. He said that it wouldn't be easy to sustain a blockade and he seems to be the only lawmaker in congress ready to stand in the way of any intimidation by the White House used to pass this bill.

Senator Dodd has been but a blip in the polls but in the last 36 hours, he ahs raised over $100,000 and is the buzz among progressive bloggers who want to stop this bill.

In August, Congress passed an emergency temporary bill that was criticized for not providing enough over sight of the methods used by the administration. This bill will expire in February and the House and Senate are considering long term legislation to modify and extenbd the act. Last week, the senate Intelligence Committee voted 13-2 in favor of a FISA update that would provide immunity for telecommunicattion providers in wire tapping cases. To shed some light on the incentives the companies have for tapping, it was revealed that Verizon charges over $1000 to execute a tap.

Yesterday, the Administration refused to share documents outlining the legal justifications for the immunity. Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter called it unnacceptable in a letter to the White House.

The Judiciary Committee may introduce its own version of the bill, but if it fails, The Rockefeller act could proceed as it is, unchanged. Senator Dodd said that he was hopeful that a modified bill would excise the immunity clause, but for now, Republicans have blocked that possibility.

Let Senator Dodd know that he has your support! Perhaps with more voices, other members of the Senate will realize that this opposses the will of the American people. We do not want to give up more of our freedom pandering to the fear of terrorism. That is the real victory of the terrorist, a nation losing its liberty, living in its imagined fear!

1 comment:

  1. Dodd is one of the few candidates with real moral conviction and integrity.

    Sadly, due to a lack of money and name recognition a President Dodd is not in the future of our nation.

    Rather we have a Bush and perhaps a Huckabee.

    Stupidity reigns.
