Monday, October 22, 2007

The Letter

During his campaign, the aspiring tiny hyper president, Nicolas Sarkozy used a letter written by a young man to his parents during World War 2 to evoke patriotism and sentiments of the Left.
Guy Moquet was a young Communist who was selected by the authorities to be executed by the Germans in a reprisal for German soldiers killed by the resistance.
The incident was so famous that the subway stop in Paris, where he was executed is named after him
Sarkozy read the letter and and all those on stage with him shed convincing theatrical tears.
In the letter, Guy bids farewell to his parents and country and affirms his love of France.
Sarkozy chose to state that the letter was one of the most moving things he had ever read in his life. He stated that he thought that efvery school child in France should be made to read. He actually issued a directive making today the day it would be read.
Teachers all over France began to protest saying that the little hyper president had no right to dictate the curiculum. Then they began to to analyse the letter and what the message should really be.
The letter is really a testament to standing up to unlawful authority and resisting! As Sarkozy sinks in the polls with his stance on DNA testing for immigrant families, making those who come to private assistance agencies show residence papers before they can recieve charity and the general feeling of disatisfaction, suddenly, instead of being the patriotic inspiring photo op for UMP deputies and officials that was planned,
the day turned into a disaster for the administration.
The school where Sarkozy had chosen to go for his glorious photo, actually banned him. The Minister of Education, who is the mayor of Perigueux, was scolded by an old Communist on the news as he went for his glorious patriotic photo op.
The only person who came out looking good, was Marie-George Buffet, the head of the French Communist Party who was able to riightfully scold the hyper pres and claim Guy Moquet as one of their own. Of course all the students who took Guy as a model and their teachers who showed them that resistance is great French tradition and it is their right...they looked pretty good , too!


  1. Things are worse than I thought over there now that you have Mr. Hyperpuissance as president. DNA testing?!? Damn. All I've read on Sarko recently is about his divorce.

  2. Which proves that the electorate in France is just as easily duped as ours is here.
