Monday, October 22, 2007


For years, I have enjoyed the wit of Tom Tomorrow and his The Modern World strip.
I have been reading about the Republican Debates, the Conservative comments about the Democratic Candidate line up and wondered what drives America in its quest for a leader. I came to the conclusion that Americans want a symbolic chief bully. Not neccesarily intelligent, just a big old watchdog that can growl and bark reassuringly.
Then Tom Tomorrow went one better and published this strip and showed me what kind of a leader America really wants! (click on the strip to enlarge it!)

1 comment:

  1. Right here in NW Ohio two GOPers are 'working hard' to convince the District 5 voters [Bowling Green and surrounding farmlands] that he is the most conservative, most restrictive bottom feeder.

    Steve Buehrer has an ad running which shows a wedding dress, with the words, "supports traditional marriage." He has a hunting scene too to pander to the NRA.

    He just HATES taxes, but is 100% pro-life.

    Typical GOP right-wing hypocrite.
