Saturday, December 08, 2007


Today it was announced that the official Vatican discount airline
service was inaugarating a new frequent flyer program.
During 2008, if you fly to Lourdes or any of six other favorite pilrimage sites,
on Air Vatican, you will recieve a plenary indulgence worth up to 5 years off
your stay in Purgatory!
Fly often enough and you will go straight to heaven!
This is reassuring news to those travelers who worry about the qualifications
of the Air Vatican flight staff.
Flyers returning from Lourdes are warned to only bring the
approved 15 ounce flight sized Lourdes Water bottles, now available
at the airport gift shop, in their carry on baggage.
Air Vatican still doesn't have approval for flights to and from the USA.
The Federal Transportation Commission has yet to approve
God as a certified copilot.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:09 AM


    I am going to look for an all inclusive 4 day package to Limbo. I am just wondering if in-flight flaming shots of Ron-Rico are available.

