Saturday, December 08, 2007


Here's a piece I have been waiting all year to post. This a video of Frank Zappa conducting the Ensemble Modern in Berlin in 1992. The performances were released on the Yellow Shark CD.
This piece, G-Spot Tornado was originally performed as a synthesizer piece on his Grammy Winning 1986 recording, Jazz From Hell. When the Ensemble Modern Concerts were being planned, it was the musicians who wanted to play the piece. When he wrote it, Frank considered it to be unplayable by mere humans.
He came up with an orchestral score and voila! The Ensemble performs a super human feat, but perhaps the most super human part of this performance is the two dancers!
This was Franks last appearance. He was dead soon after and the music and videos were released posthumously.


  1. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Damn Microdot,

    I couldn't get your link to work, but I found it here.

    I agree, I am out of breath just watching the the dancers. I viewed a different version of G Spot Tornado and it was psychedelic experience which may take a few weeks to compute. The colors, the colors, I think I was just subliminally subjected to scores of evil demands. In other words, great stuff. Thanks.


  2. I actually find the dancers to be a bit distracting...rather just watch the musicians, but that's me.

    Great find, nonetheless.
