Saturday, December 22, 2007


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Thank you for that card Microdot.

    That's not disturbing in the least, um, no, not at all,,,, nice card.

    Well, that chick in the back left with the kite trailing her pony tail, ,,,,,she keeps waving, keeps waving,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, keeps waving,,,you did that on purpose. Didn't you?


  2. What happened to Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen?

    Cute card, Microdot and best wishes to you and your wife in your charming little screaming French village.

  3. Dees ees subversive Ruuskiey Commie propaganda Creesmuz Card from early 60's.....Provink vonz and for all Commies could be real cutesies!

  4. hey mr. meat, sir, do you have a blog? I appreciate your comments about the zappa stuff i posted and the little pic you sent...
    you ees americanski? ruuski? canadianski? always cool to link to another zappa fan!
    If you want, drop me an email.

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Ich bin schtoopid Amerikanisch, md, alas. (An email I shall send). Zappadan appears rather cool: I was a bit late to par-tay (but was not on the A-list anyway).

    I'm not in the Kucinich posse (unless maybe Ronpaul-- DenDen??) but appreciate the libertarian spirit of Zappa as well as the monstrous booty, er beauty. You tube now features quite a selection of FZ vids, eh.

    There's a cool zoot allures in there as well, and that Zappa big band also impressive --then the various zappa-related vids, beefheart (not that much--a few wild TMR pieces tho'), dweez (not a bad zomby wolf) , vai (he's talented obviously, a bit too flashy and metal for moi). Redunzl was quite a treat (is that from Studio Tan??). For another cool jam see Trey of Phish doing peaches in R.

    I lived out in the high desert of CA for a while and actually met Don VV as a kid (this was in late 80s). His mama worked in a furniture store or something. He supposedly sold a vacuum cleaner to Huxley once.

    Drumbo also lived out there; as did Zoot HR back in the day ... Don was pretty f-ed up, broke. His ahht career took off after that. May Osiris bless 'em.

    America needs a dose of Zappa/Beefheart surrealist subversion now and then: scares the shiite out of hicks and homies, regardless of their political affiliation.

  6. Joyeux Noël, bonne année, et bonnes vacances, Microdot!

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hello Microdot,
    We have had a good year together and here is to a better one next year. I have really enjoyed our conversations together. Maybe we should refer to the New Year as, “The Year of the Purging of Bush!” I am of the mindset that there is always hope for the future. It will take a lot of work to correct the abuses, corruption, and deception of the Carl Rowe tenure; but as long as there are people willing to take the time and effort to get the facts and truth into the public domain so that the voting citizens may make educated decisions for themselves, I have hope.
    Abraham Lincoln said, “You may fool all of the people some of the time, and you may fool some of the people all of the time; but you will never fool all of the people all of the time.”
    I will leave with a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) that should be our motto for the next year.
    "All truth passes through three stages.
    First, it is ridiculed.
    Second, it is violently opposed.
    Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

    I think the better minds of the educated public will be in the self-evident level of acceptance.

  8. Merry Mythmas to you, Microdot! I've enjoyed all your Zappadan posts. Taking time off for personal matters, but will be back blogging in January.

    Adieu and feast well!

  9. Happy Saturnalia!

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And a hug for J.

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy new-year to you and your family Microdot!
