Friday, December 21, 2007

The Last Miracles of Zappadan 2007!

Ahem, tonight is the last night of the festival of Zappadan and we have had a miracle!
The appearance of two incredible archival appearances of Frank and the Mothers. The first, above is not exactly an appearance, but a 1966 live club recording of the piece that evolved into Plastic People on the Absolutely Free Record. The music starts about 1 and a half minutes into the recording, you have to listen to Frank ask people to move their cars so they don't get towed and push the clubs rancid hamburgers.
Then we have:

Our second miracle of the evening. A video of a live appearance from 1967 at the Village Gate in New York. The Mothers perform Suzy Creamcheese from the We're Only In It For The Money album and then they , uhh.....perform.
A few minutes of disciplined anarchy that could never occur on stage again!
Today is Franks birthday, Happy Birthday Frank!
This stuff, for me is better than fire works!


  1. We lit a large bonfire at 1 AM and intend to keep it burning for the next 3 days. Gosh, I hope the sun god likes our sacrifice and decides not to drop into the ocean!

  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Frank was definitely one of the great ones. As out of step from the main stream music industry as any artist could get but made it his own and was noticed. We always use to say, “There were no middle of the road fans with Frank…You ether loved him or hated him;” or another way to say it is, “You ether got it or you didn’t.” I GOT IT AND IT WAS GREAT!!!
