Saturday, December 15, 2007

Made In Denmark

The dust is settling in Bali. They are cleaning up the room where the United Nations Climate Change Conference was held. Nothing really happened, except once again, the two biggest sources of Greenhouse gas emissions proved that they are incapable of doing anything positive. The biggest, The United States proved again that nothing will happen until there is a regime change. Both countries are using the others behaviour as an excuse for doing nothing.

Al Gore spoke and expressed his shame and got called a traitor back home. A traitor to whom?

The United States is hosting it's own Climate Change Conference early next year, which looks to be boycotted already because of the bull headed attempts by the Bush Administration to systematically manipulate any real research done in America.
That seems to be the gist of a Congressional Report to be released on Monday..
The report, prepared by the Democrats after a 16 month investigation states:

"The Bush Administration has engaged in a systematic effort to manipulate climate change science and mislead policy makers and the public about the dangers of global warming."
The report contains allegations going back to 2002 and demonstrates a systematic pattern of conduct.

Of course the Republicans are saying that it is pure politics and trying to shout over the facts the way the administration did when it was publically rebuked for its efforts to sabotage the Bali Conference.

Across the USA, more than 700 mayors, representing 75 million of Americans , have pledge to do what the administration is incapable of...Support the Kyoto Protocols!
What does the Bush Administration hope to accomplish by its negative subversive stance? Little by little, faster and faster, the logic for their action, supposedly favoring the American economy and business is crumbling.

Already, the state of Texas has become the worlds greatest supplier of wind generated power. In the Northwest section of the state which suffers from dryness and wind, a climate which has become more hostile to the traditional cotton industry in recent years, thousands of acres of wind generators have sprouted up..
But who is reaping the benefits of this booming energy source of the future?
Who has the technology and expertise to manufacture and install these systems?



  1. Did you that the U.S. finally did the right thing after being duly nberated by all of the members?

    Bush [and his oil cronies] are disappointed by it all.


  2. "Did the right thing" is a very relative comment.
    They did absolutely nothing and the real work has been safely put off for the next aedministration.
    From what I understand, much of the EU is going to boycott the American Climate Conference next year unless there is a radical change in the manipulative hand the administration is using to try to reap empty PR points from it.

  3. To put the US "U" Turn at the end of the conference in a more accurate perspecttive, in effect, the Administration was told, "If you aren't willing to lead, get out of the way!"

    And that's what they did.

  4. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Great posting and something that I personally am involved with and know about. A company called “Blue Water Wind” is proposing placing several hundred windmills for renewable, clean, stable cost, electrical generation off the coast of Lewes / Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and Ocean City, Maryland. The windmill generators are to be attached to the electrical grid infrastructure here on the Delmarva Peninsula. Now I will give you three guesses as to who will be supplying the actual windmill turbans……..Yes you are correct!! Denmark, Denmark, and Denmark. When a country with the engineering talent that this country has and could easily be the leader in this technology (if it were not for the current policies of this administration who is protecting the oil /coal cartel) the little country of Denmark (who has a great history of windmill usage) is leading and capturing the markets in our own country.

    I should also add that the people that live in the coastal beach home and have the view of the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean, have no problem with the placement of the windmills and in fact are overwhelmingly in favor of them for the more stable electric cost in their bills. These windmills will be place over six miles out into the bay and ocean and with the curvature of the earth that maybe, with a pair of binoculars, on a very clear day; you may see the very tip of the windmill blades. I have done this calculation myself.

    I know that to some who worship this administration and pray to the cardboard cutout of George W. Bush and it may come to a surprise to some people to learn that the earth is not flat?!? Even after accepting that fact they would still argue that there is no global warming going on because the oil / coal cartel that has paid for and bought the Whitehouse tells them that this is the biggest hoax being portrayed on the American citizens. These same lemmings would even fight for their right for the Whitehouse to manipulate the scientific facts (and poorly manipulate I might add, because they don’t even know enough science to even do it properly) and be blatantly lied to.

    So when the capitalist system that our country is based on allowing the market share of our electrical infrastructure to be taken over along with being left behind on the technological edge is this industry, our representatives at the global warming conferences will just keep running interference trying to make sure nothing is done to solve the problem because the solution will be at the expense of their own oil / coal interests that this administration is subservient to.

  5. Amazing, thank you for your post, Mr. Engineer!
    I was inspried to write my piece after watching a reportage of what is going on in the Tezas panhandle on Al Jazeera. Then I read an article in Le Courier International the next day.

    There is a serendipity here that is more than coincidence.

    It seems more and more that the supposed aim of the Bush Administration's lack of reality bassed energy policies is less about protecting Americas best interests and future and more about protecting the immediate profits of a few corporations.

  6. Thanks for the shared reporting here -- wow, how much more slow and behind can we get before the Bushites are finally thrust out the doors of power?
