Saturday, December 15, 2007

O'Reilly's Oratorio

Yes, I know it's still officially Zappadan, but sometimes there is something that is just to good to be ignored. So tonight, here on thebrainpolice, I am bringing some high culture... well, actually what do you think?
These are excerpts from Igor Kellers Opera, Mackris vs, O'Reilly based on the actual transcripts of the Bill O'Reilly sexual harrasment case brought by his staffer, Andrea Mackris.
It contains all of the memorable moments from the original complaints and paranoid rants, clumsy sexual innuendos, the Falefel fantasy and more in a concert legnth baroque oratorio, in the style of an updated Handel's Messiah for a 28 piece chamber orchestra, 26 voice chorus and 3 soloists.
An oratorio for the 21st century.
Listener discretion! This gets a little creepy, Barb? are you out there? Barb?


  1. What a GREAT piece! Bill O'Reilly is such a hack that I wonder why Fox hasn't thrown him off yet. His ratings v Olberman are tanking.

    Isn't this all just grand?!

    You didn't expect barb to actually post here, did you? I think she's too busy playing the sheep in her church play.

  2. While PQP has been down, she has wandered in here occasionally.
    Good news for the rest of the world, PQP may be up in a few days and Madame B can go back to trying to convert the European Heathens.

    It's interesting to hear her refer to it as if it has made her an expert on France and European attitudes.
    She has her characature of the French personality and her take on the economy from her gleanings from the lives of a small group of disparate humans.
    Meanwhile she has revealed everything about herself including her recent medical history.
    As fascinating as watching tarantulas having sex.

  3. Microdot -- It's interesting to hear her refer to it as if it has made her an expert on France and European attitudes.

    Where? Proof? I don't know anyone --including the French --who will tell me that Europeans aren't predomoninantly socialistic with cradle to grave welfare policies, with a high income tax rate to support their welfare. I don't know anyone who says the Europeans are a strongly religious people, people of Christian faith or any other. The hard core agnosticism/atheism and liberal attitudes about sexual mores seemed pretty mainstream in Europe to me before I found the French blog. However, I would never call myself an expert on France or French culture --or european either.

    I do find it refreshing and amazing to occasionally see a Benny Hinn crusade in Europe on TV attended by thousands of enthusiastic Christians. Not that I'm a fan of his ministry since he is Pentecostal and I am not --and I've heard the criticism of him. Nevertheless, his crusades are exciting with beautiful worshipful music. I hope he is sincere.

    You're pretty bold critiquing others for a guy who posts his I hope-not-flattering photos on the internet.

    I'm not particularly ashamed about medical history. should I be? Facts are facts. I'm not proud --but I'm not ashamed either. If you're bold enough to post those pictures of the grimacing grape farmer, I can share my health woes.

    You are back into channeling the spirit of mudrake, I see. Finally, I'm not the only one who has his number. I see he has numerous critics who recognize his blog-comment style as just plain creepy, counter-productive, and lacking in substance.

  4. About Bill O Reilly--was he married then? I don't know anything about his personal life but remember the lawsuit. Sounds like an aging Lothario hoping to interest the young lady in some romantic sex with him. How embarrassing! and yes, immoral since he wasn't proposing marriage. They settled out of court, did they not?

    If he was married, he deserved to be exposed. If he threatened her job in anyway, he deserved to be sued. But was he and did he? I never saw any details about it. It's very dangerous to be famous and immoral at the same time--as Bill Clinton also knows so well.

  5. Krikey, did anyone ever tell you what a fascinating, incredibly interesting woman you are?

    ....just asking......

  6. And just keep begging for the nude photos babe, you just might get what you really don't want!

  7. I must be fascinating--you invited me here. I appreciate the welcome! HA!

  8. I don't recall inviting you, but you tend to hear only what you think you hear, so if that's what you think???

    No, feel free to babble on, rant away, insult everyone why you are at it.
    Tell us what the voices in your head are making you think today!

    Are there any more autistic welfare mothers having illigitmate chldren in the bushes and stealing your precious electricity?
    Are you here because you think you are fighting in the War against Christians? or Christmas or something like that?

    Endlessly fascinating stuff, oh I just can't wait for your witty reply!

  9. at the end of this blog entry, Microdot, you wrote: This gets a little creepy, Barb? are you out there? Barb?

    How can I answer without posting here? I considered that an invitation to answer the question and participate on your blog. Silly me.

  10. Stop whining, get a life!
    This is getting a little creepy!

  11. It's your dishonesty or bad memory that's creepy. You ask me a question and then say i'm not invited to answer it. Go figure!!!

  12. At this point I bring this stupid relationship to an end. To even grace your hysteria with a reply is to ask for trouble.
    Au revoir!
