Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Okay, I Say Uncle! I'm Screaming Nancy! Help!

Yes, I am appealing for help. After 2 days of Computer Hell, I am asking any of youu wonderful kind hearted bloginistas out there for advice.
My old Canon bubble jet printer died, so being here in the absolute hinterlands, I ordered a nice new Canon PIXMA2500 from It showed up in just a few days and it sure looks nice.
I have an old school original iMac that has been hot wired to run OSX 10.3.9...I had to partition the hard drive. I didn't do it, a very cool friend of mine did it in NYC and I installed the loaded hard drive here.
It runs pretty good with a few burps every once in a while.
Soooo.......I have been trying to install the printer driver for 2 days. I first tried off the CD, then tonight, I downloaded the drivers from the Canon web site.
I go through the installation process and when I restart the computer, the printer utility tells me that there is no driver installed. It shows the printer, but after it searches for the drivers, NADA!
Any hints, good wishes or encouraging words will be appreciated. I have to go now and stick the screwdriver back into my ear.


  1. Sorry, microdot, it is beyond my knowledge base. I'll ask my son...

  2. He says your OSX 10.3.9... has poor support because it is so old and that they probably don't make drivers that are compatible with that old version.

    He suggests that you call Canon's support line and ask them for help.

    He had 'one hell of a time' installing his printer onto his MAC and ended up deleting folders one-by-one which took him lots of time.

  3. Well, thank you very much, Mudrake,
    I just did that very thing. I deleted all the old Canon files and reinstalled the driiver and BINGO!
    Ca marche bien!
    I'm as happy as a little girl!
