Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Le Gros Fete A Commencer!

These things sneak up on you. I was so busy anticipating with bated breath that I hardly noticed that it was really true! The second annual nonstop festival of Zappadan has officially begun!
To ceremoniously start things off, I have posted the original 1969 video of Peaches in Regalia! (Peaches in Regalia from the Hot Rats Album) Let the festival commence with all due pomp....
Meanwhile, all across the planet, people are calling any vegetable, worshipping together in the church of their any vegetable, call one today, call any vegetable when you get off the train, call any vegetable and the chances are good
that the vegetable will respond to you...hooooo...rootahbayayagah, rootahbayayagahh, rutabaga! Thank you Frank!


  1. "Peaches En Regalia" - one of my favorite Zappa compositions.

  2. Happy Zappadan, Compadre
