Sunday, December 02, 2007

Only A Pawn In Their Game

Two weeks ago, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was in France and met with the family of Ingrid Betancourt, the French/Colombian politician who was kidnapped by the revolutionary army FARC during her presidential campaign, 5 years ago.
Mr. Chavez offered to use his connections with FARC to personally negotiate her release. Chavez, when he makes personal appearances, is able to impress the public with his charisma. The Betancourts were really encouraged by his concern and statements.
President Nicolas Sarkozy, at the time, gave Mr. Chavez his support in this initiative. During his presidential campaign, Sarkozy made a lot of statements and promises regarding Ingrid Betancourt. After his election, nothing was heard from him again on this matter.
Chavez went back to Venezuela and contacted the Colombians to begin the process.
The next day, Colombian President, Alvaro Uribe issued a strongly worded denial of assistance to Chavez. He inferred that Mr. Chavez was only interested in undermining the Colombian Government and helping FARC in their decades long civil war with Colombia. The American hands were seen all over this as a blatant attempt to to prevent Chavez from scoring any points on this matter.
Chavez, the next day, severed relationships with Colombia. Back in France, the Betancourts were crestfallen and issued a statement saying that they trusted Chavez and believed that he could really get the job done.
Stranger still, on the very next day, the Colombian government issues a statement that they have conveniently just "captured" a FARC soldier who happened to have a new video tape and letter from Ingrid to her children giving the first real proof since 2003 that she was still alive.
You have to ask, how many levels of manipulation are going on here?
Earlier this year I wrote a piece explaining the links between FARC and the various players as well as a profile of Madame Betancourt.
You have to look at the relationship of Colombia and America. You have to look at the very complex cocaine trade. You have to look at the relationship between FARC and American Corporations such as Chiquita Banana and how they have been able to do business with no problems in huge areas of FARC controlled Colombia.
You have to ask, is President Sarkozy playing a double game here?
Somebody has to make their move fast, because Ingrid has been living as a hostage in the jungle for 5 years now and I don't think from her letter and the tape that it can go on much longer. These cynical chess players will have lost their pawn..

1 comment:

  1. Microdot- surely the American CIA is involved as it always has been in matters like these.

    If one were to write a novel using this story line, it wouldn' t sell because it would be 'too unbelievable.'
