Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Cheneys ReactionTo New Iranian Intelligence Report

Okay, so now we get the news that Iran has not been involved with the
development of Nuclear Weaponry since 2003. When asked about this yesterday, George Bush said that it was the first he had heard of it.
For the last 4 years, we have heard that Dick Cheney has been pushing
for a pre-emptive strike on Iran to stop their imminent nuclear attack capability.
A month ago, George Bush made a speech telling the American people that we were on the verge of World War 3 because of Iran.
The NeoCon rhetoric is nonstop, casting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the modern
Hitler. There are provacative military exercises in the Strates of Hormouz by our ever growing fleet. The saner heads in the Pentagon and in the State Department have constantly warned that any such action would be a monumental disaster.
And we are to believe that George Bush knew nothing of the reality of Irans nuclear program? Are we to belive that it is because he gets all of his information spoon fed to him by Dick Cheney? Before the Iraq war, Cheney was personally involved on an unprecedented level cherry picking and manipulating intelligence to further the impresssion that Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction and "gasp" nuclear technology that was almost ready to be unleashed.
Is this what happened this time? Are Cheney and his cabal guilty of stirring up the American public into a frenzy of hate and fear against Iran.
Is Cheney guilty of trying again to drag America into a bigger disaster because if it works, it will benefit him and his corporate buddies?
If this is true, then, shouldn't the nation and the world be outraged at the insane
pretense of this maniacal act? Shouldn't a maniac like Cheney, who has never been right, lies blatantly and callously to manipulate reality, be behind bars and institutionalized?
I can't find anything humorous to this, it makes me sick.
No matter what the facts are, the lies and hate they created will live on and take on a life of it's own.


  1. EXCELLENT! Oh how i wish it were real, Cheney getting zapped and George waterboarded. And Condi?? Well, we'll leave that to your imagination...

  2. I just read Bush's comments about the report and though he backled off from his imminent WW3 rhetoric, he still hasn't ruled out pre-emptive strikes against Iran.
    "They were a danger, are a danger and will be a danger" he said. proving that he has the basic verbal skills to parse the verb "to be".
    But to admit that he has been lying to the American people and act realistically?
    Who are we kidding!

  3. Anonymous7:02 PM

    But President Bush said today (He talks to God and loves Jesus you know) that Iran (those heathens Devil worshipers who just want to kill everyone who is blessed and good) was still a danger despite the new assessment by American intelligence agencies that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program (Bush said that we need to ignore this liberal propaganda being passed on by those intelligencia groups that just want to ruin America) in 2003.
    I believe Bush because I lay straight out on the floor and pray to the life size cutout of him for an hour everyday like the children of Jesus Camp that are being taught in God’s way. If we do not attack Iran first to show the liberals how important it is to blow people up then the liberals will just turn and attack Christmas in this country like they already are.
    Do you know where I can get a life size cutout of Dick Cheney so I can start to pray to him also? I think it is important for the people of this U. S. of A. to be safe and secure for the freedom loving, right minded thinkers who love this country and try to keep it from being destroyed by the “Liberal Media” who really hate this country and want to “blame America first” to ruin it.
    (This satirical comment was fermented in the mind of Engineer of Knowledge and should have never been written down… or at least that is what the voice in my head told me to say)
