Sunday, April 20, 2008

Death Cab For Cutie......

Well, as I am too emotionally charged to write about politics and it's raining, raining, raining here in La Sechere, I am cruising the internet.
In the last week and in the last year, I have presented a number of videos featuring the Bonzo Dog Band, and their rather unique, ahem, influence they had on humor, music and well, blurring the lines between idiocy and art.
Here is their biggest appearance ever! In the Beatles film, Magical Mystery Tour, the bus stops for a bit of entertainment at a rather low music hall. The passengers come in for a drink, some chips and a chance to see a sequined covered Vivian Stanshall warble the now legenday song, Death Cab For Cutie!


  1. Heh heh heh! I just had a few friends over for a private screening of MMT about a month ago!

    Always a treat!

  2. I love the scene with Ringo's Auntie's nightmare. John Lennon is the sleazy waiter shoveling dodgy looking spagetti onto her plate.
    "More Spagetti, Madame?"

  3. The "I am the walrus" segment is delightfully blurry and sound distorted.

    Another great clip for you...

    My favorite!
