Sunday, April 20, 2008

How Hillary Can Still Win!

You do the math!


  1. The problem with this arguement is that delegates can change their minds all the way up until the convention and as often as the democrats swap and switch allies all the time and more dirt keeps comming out on Obama, anything is possible.

  2. You think she can win without traveling back in time?
    I was kind of looking forward to that, it was a little more creative than doing your standard stuff like breaking into Obama's Allentown office and stealing laptops.

  3. Obama hasn't been looking like the "Mr Clean" he was when he first dove into this freakshow.

    The media isn't giving him the free passes as before and, dirty baggage keeps falling out of his closet that is changing minds.

  4. No, Obama isn't perfect and the only one getting a "free pass" pass is John McCain.
    But of all three, Obama is the only one I would sstill have respect for "the next morning".
