Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Storm

Looking out the driveway with my wifes new camera today as a huge storm approaches. One of those days, brilliant sunshine, black clouds, thunder and lightning, hail and then brilliant sunshine...then the cycle is repeated again and again.
I hope this clears up next week. We are supposed to be back in the high 70's this weekend, but I am waiting for a phone call to go and work for 2 weeks at Chateau Vieux Chevrol performing l'empaphrage and l'embourgeonage on 20 hectares of grape vines.
I expect to be out of touch again for the duration. I just had to share this photo......

1 comment:

  1. You always tempt me to want to put the FOR SALE sign in front of my house and get my passport renewed.

    Beautiful location. Enjoy it, as of course you do.
