Thursday, May 01, 2008

I Wanna Be Like Common People....

This is what we refer to a blown photo op....
Today in South Carolina, at a gas station, Hillary tries to convince us that she is just like "common people" but obviously, she has never had to get her own coffee before.


  1. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Obviously there is no proof that this is her whatsoever. Stop trying to bash Hilary, you jerk. She's an awesome candidate. Nerd.

  2. That was a fine comment, anonymous.
    Have we met?
    There is something about you that is too familiar.
    Well, as you probably won't come back here again, you'll never know how your awesome display of intellectual prowess has left me gasping for...
    Please send me an autographed color photograph of your brain when you find it.
