Monday, August 11, 2008

On The Ground In South Ossetia

I have been watching the confused and wildly varying attrempts at information control on American Media about the situation in South Ossetia and Georgia.
The American media has gone to great legnths to portray the Georgians as the unwitting vvictims of Russian aggression. They have also down played the actual death toll in the initial attack by the Georgians which triggered the Russian response.
The fact that the Georgian military was conducting "war games" at the time in South Ossetia with 128 American Military advisors has not been commented on.

I published a piece on John McCains top Foreign policy advisor, Randy Scheunemann who has been the top lobbyist for the Georgian government promoting their interests and candidacy for NATO. He also represents a consortium of Western Energy concerns working to secure access to the Black Sea oil.
I published a time line which attempted to give a history of Russia/Georgian relations in a historical perspective starting in the 19th century.
I recieved a number of posts and video links from people on the ground in South Ossetia who provided actual accounts of the action as it occurred. The stories are horrendous.
The video is an interview with an American tourist who was there as the violence unfolded.
Two posts which I recieved are printed below:

People of the world. You deceive! World mass media conduct propagation of a false information. Russia DID NOT ATTACK Georgia! 07.08.2008 at 22:00 Georgia has attacked South Ossetia. At 3:30 08.08.2008 tanks of the Georgian armies have entered into city Tskhinvali. Artillery bombardment all the day long proceeded, fights with use of tanks and heavy combat material, both against ossetic armies, and against peace inhabitants were conducted. 2000 civil people already were lost. The Russian peacemakers have arrived to South Ossetia in the evening 08.08.2008 for settlement of the conflict and prompting of the world in republic and protection of the Russian citizens living on territory of South Ossetia. Georgia has attacked South Ossetia on eve of Olympiad, it is top of cruelty and cynicism. Proofs and video-materials look on:

Hello I am in Russia, where I'm now with my friends. Thanks God, all mine are alive and none wounded. Russian bombers were over Gori yesterday and day before yesterday, but they didn't target civilian objects. The pictures you see on TV from there are showing only two damaged houses, which were hit by the gunshells exploded on the Georgian military base, which was attacked by Russians in fact. There are several people injured and 2 killed in these houses, but that was not by bombs directly. What Saakashvilly says about hundreds of civilians dead or injured is not correct. Maybe he is reported so, but in fact most of the injured and killed were at military base in that moment. Some of them were not military, but servicing that base, which is supporting Georgian troops in Tskhinvally.
How did this really happen(from the witnesses in Gori and Tskhinvally):

August 7, late night:
Two brigades about 6,500 soldiers (infantry and tanks) with American trainers, and with support of ground missles and artillery started the attack of Tskhinvally. Later in the morning, the air strikes added to this. All of them had an order to "clean out the separatists from the region by the evening of 08/08 Friday latest". What I think, it was a plan to finish it during the Olympics openening, so that in the next morning they could report a "victory over separatist in one day", and none of the media would be interested in how it was done, as most of the world was watching Olympics show in Bejing. I think that was arranged and planned with help of Mrs.Rice, who visited Georgia just some weeks ago.
August 8, morning: Half of Tskhinvally ruined, most of buildings are under fire. Nobody evacuated. Bodies of men, women and children are on the streets (I have seen the videos, which no Western channels show) Southern part of the city is under Georgian troops control. 500 russian peacekeepers and not shooting as they possibly have no order from Moscow. Georgians are shooting everyone they see, including peacekeepers and children on the streets. I tried calling my cousine there, but she declined my calls several times, later sent a text: "We can't speak in the basements, as they through granades to the houses and basements once they hear a phone call or talk". Later, when she came to Vladikavlaz,Russia, she described awful and freightening scenes of Georgian shooting children and women, firing them, raping little girls after killing their mothers etc. It was a true nightmare in real!!! They were also attacked on the way to the Russian border. No wounded could be evacuated that day. I can't believe that this can happen in the country of Democracy and Freedom which Georgia reports to be... Are such things a part of Western Democracy values??? If so, we don't need it at all... Take it back with this sick president of Georgia. He studied in American university well, now we have no doubts in it. I saw a video one the one site taken by American soldier in the battle with his comments, so pls don't say that americans are not involved(I can send URl if you need)

August 8, about 14:00:
After reporting of nearly 1500 people killed and some of them are Russian citizens and peacekeepers, Russian troops enter the South Osetia through the Roki tunnel. Meanwhile in Tskhinvally two Georgian brigades are separated by Osetian defence troops(small, poorly equiped, but well organized) and Georgia with all their missles and numerous tanks can not take the small city, only 6 km(4 miles) long.

August, 9
After another night of fighting, Georgians still killing all the people which they can find in the ruined city, no matter military or civilians. They destroyed the only hospital, university and bakery. No food, no water, no help to the people there. Snipers are killing old people on the streets, who are slow and easy targeted. Russians take the nothern part of city, but still heavy fights and many Russian tanks are burning. Several aircrafts are shot down, seems that Georgian, but in Georgia reported to be Russian. Georgian TV says to the whole country that Tshinvally is under controlf of Georgian troops and the operation will soon be over. Russian TV shows the real picture from the battle field. It seems that many soldiers killed, but there are still many heavy fights.
Later Saakashvilly starts to blame "Russian Invaders, who attacked small Georgia".
Then I see him on many western channes, they also show ruined Tskhinvally streets, BUT SAYING THAT THESE ARE STREETS OF GEORGIAN TOWNS, AFTER RUSSIAN BOMBINGS, but these are OSETIAN streets, after GEORGIAN BOMBINGS and attacks. There are cars with russian numbers, russian signs and what is more important: russian soldiers, walking peacefully in"Georgian bombed towns". Do you think this is possible???

August 10: Tskhinvally is cleaned from Georgian troops (they always retreat when meet some resistance, this happened same 16 years ago and before). Saakashvilly says that he wants peace.
He difinitely wants now, after no forces left to attack. The mission complete! He is a victim of Russian bear(Medvedev is coming from word "bear" in russian... Everybody in the world is indignant by Russia bombing "poor little Georgia" with military budget of US$ 1 billion of American money during last year... But nobody remembers that they started killing women and children on last Thursday night, when everybody were asleep peacefully in their beds. Nobody knows that they has opened water pipe system to drown the rest of the poor people still hiding in the basements of Tskhinvally from the continuing missle and artillery attacks. This is how he want's peace. New wonderful and touchy show arranged by America.

To tell the truth, I blame all the journalists and media shareholders for this campaign. I understand that some of you must pay mortgage and loans and have to do everything to keep your job, but what you show to the world makes you an accomplice of all these numerous brutal murders, and all these raped and killed children and women will be your jury in Holy Court. If you believe in God, I beg you to stop lying about this tragedy... This is a big sin for your soul!! You are people, but not the beasts as those soldiers!!! So please stop helping all these bastards by supporting them in mass media, when you don't have even a common understanding of what really happend!!!


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Though any more or less objective "compilation" of the facts

  2. These are just a compilation of reports and observations which I have not seen anywhere else. Even in Georgia, the people get most of their news filtered by CNN.

  3. I have been watching the French news discussion program, C'est dans L'air
    and a representative of the coalition of the Georgian opposition parties is on.
    She claims that Condoleeza Rice was in Georgia 2 weeks ago to discuss their admission into NATO.
    For more background in the manuvering by American representatives, please look at my earlier post, "Excuse me sir, are you wagging my dog?"
    The party rep stated that Condloeeza discussed the possibility of Georgia seizing South Ossetia, but cautioned that Georgia wopuld ne be permitted to join NATO if they were at war with Russia.
    The woman went on to say that Shaakashvili made a calculated move that was doomed.
    He figured that he would strike while Putin was in China and Medelev was on vacation and bing bada boom....he would have secured South Ossetia and gotten rid of all those pesky Russians before anyone would know what happened.

    He made a huge tragic miscalculation. For this he must be driven out of power by the Georgian people. Again, Georgia will never be allowed into NATO now, because it would be interpreted by the Russians as an intolerable act of aggresssion by the west.

    This was a neocon fantasy that turned into a real nightmare!

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    yee and he was a madman who thought he could defeat russia ??
    i dont buy it.
    hat do you think about role of georgia as only way to transport gas and oil to europe avoiding russia ?

  5. Again, I refer you to my earlier post
    Excuse Me, Sir......

    In it you will find detailed information and links about the role of Randy Shuenemann, the foreign policy advisor of the presidential campaign of John McCain and his other role as the main lobbyist employed by Georgia to support it's interests. He also represents the interests of a consortium of Western Energy companies whose goal is to accomplish the very pipeline you are referring to.

    This has been a real educational process for me. Each hour I learn more of the history of the region and more of the manuvering that has gone on behind the scenes.

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    maybe but fot me its more important to have other source of oil and gas, except russia. the have used it as a weapon erlier ..

  7. That's why the world has to think beyond "oil and gas" which are finitely diminishing resources.

    If you could get your petro chemical energy from another source, whatt would it be?

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    there are many resources but they are not cheap ( solar,wind, water ) or risky ( nuclear power ). at this point oil and gas are like blood for any industry.

  9. Yes, I know that, but my question was, if you could get your oil and gas from any other source than Russia, where would that be?

  10. Anonymous2:51 PM

    you could transport it from norway, but its expensive, from saudi arabia( etc ) but with tankers or from azers ( througf georgia, ukrain,poland )
