Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I think that today or tomorrow is the actual 2 year blogiversary of this blog, thebrainpolice. I always wish I could do better, but it is a constant learning process.
To calm down, I am posting an instrumental track from one of my all time favorite records. It is the instrumental soundtrack to a movie released in 1968 called Wonderwall. The music was composed by George Harrison and is probably one of the most creative things he ever did, and that really is saying a lot. There is some more stuff on YouTube as well as a few sequences from the movie, which was quite "psychedelic" and starred Jane Birkin.
This is a calm peaceful interlude and you probably have never heard it before.
...uhhh, I just checked blogger and the blogiversary is actually August 14....
Maybe I find some party favors!

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