Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friendly Fires

Last night I was watching the great French/German Music program on the ARTE Network called One Shot Not. It's hosted by the French Drummer, Manu Katche who seemsa to have played with almost everyone. There is always an ecletic line up of artists and a lot of chances for the musicians to play togather in new and unexplored configurations.
Lat Year, I first saw the British Band, Friendly Fires and I was very impressed. Last night, they performed a few songs and I was transfixed. They had progressed so far so fast. The singer had a a raw power, a hugely expressive voice and an unself concious stage presence like a hyper active 12 year old. Really some of the most original dancing I've seen in a while.
I haven't had such a visceral reaction to a band since I first saw Gang of Four back in the late 70's.
This was one of the songs they performed...Paris.
I like how the sequenced mechanical guitar part in the verse seems to fracture the intense rythmn into sonic prisms. Then the release of the chorus.....
I think these guys will be around for a while!

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