Monday, October 27, 2008

The Final Hail Mary

As America lurches into the final lap of this presidential race, the real test, the real battle begins. As we have seen in early voting incidents throughout the country, the voting process is severly flawed and compromised. There have been a rash of voting machine incidents reported already in early voting in West Virginia and a few other states regarding the ivote machines all flipping democrat votes to republican repeatedly. The election and company officials all describe these as "callibration problems" that occur when the machines are moved, by I think it is a very valid question that if it is a simple problem of callibration, why do the reported errors always favor the the republicans?

We have seen the White House involved in an unprecedented manner in attempts to force the Republican parties attempts of voter disenfranchisement in a number of states most evidently in Ohio, where they asked the Secretary of State to ignore the courts ruling regarding the culling of voters from the lists.
The pressure on the Secretary of State doesn't end with the White House. There have been death threats made to the Secretary by the deranged empowered threatened racist base of the republican party.
We have seen this racial intimidation on the streets already as voters line up to cast their early ballots in Southern states. Crowds of jeering rabble hurl racial threats and insults at black voters in South Carolina and Florida.
I believe this time, these actions only make the voters feel that their vote is more important. The feeling that this is the culmination of decades of the civil rights struggle is empowering voters to stand in the face of resistance and take the time to stand in line and fight for their right to vote!
I am almost waiting for the Bush Administration to invoke its special emergency powers and call the National Guard to halt the elections because of rain, but they still have a one play left in their tired tattered playbook.....
Last night on Al Jazeera English, I saw a report that American forces had violated Syrian territory and raided a village 8 kilometers inside Syria. Eight Syrians were killed including 2 children. Today, I read a full account of this incident with statements by the American Military and accounts of people injured in the raid. The Americans do not deny that this occurred and even justify the reasons they did it.
In the American press, I have yet to see any reportage of this incident other than reports that an alleged "explosion" occurred in Syria. The NY Times reported that the American and Iraqi officials deny any involvement.
This is pretty strange in my book and a text book example of how incidents have been manufactured in the past to be exploited for political gain by the Bush Administration.
Syria will respond, I don't think they will do it in an aggressive fashion, but they will make their case in an international forum against America.
I fully expect that as these events spin out, the administration will create a situation for John McCain to act "presidential" with information fed to him that will make him appear to be more "in the loop".
Is America ready to swallow one more "Hail Mary Pass" from this sham of a campaign which will allow McCain to jumpo a few pathetic polling points in the last days of this election, or have we finally had enough?

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