Thursday, October 16, 2008

John McCain Loves Acorns

I am making my re entry into this very nasty reality. When I left on October 4th...the use of the fact that some contracted workers for ACORN had probably submitted false names for voter registration was just beginning to be used by the Republican Smear Machine to suggest that it was the tip of an imaginary conspiracy to steal the election.
ACORN recieved lists with some falsified voter registration affidavits. They were legally bound to submit all names that they recieved to be registered. The Republicans took this fact and ran with it and created scenarios of minority groups being bribed with cocaine to register and any number of twists of this theme and then tried to link it as a plot by the Obama Campaign. I seem to remember the California GOP being guilty of this exact thing in 2006 and the actual tactics of voter suppression of Ken Blackwell in Ohio, where he disqualified voter registrations based on things like the weight of the paper....well, can I ask the question, "Why is the suspicion of voter fraud so much worse than the actual proof of real fraud?"
ACORN has also been blamed for the economic meltdown on Wall Street using even more bizarre lines of illogic.
I spent the last 10 days gleaning info from BBC World Service. I heard a little about the campaign but I spoke to a very international group of people and every one had the deepest desire to see Barack Obama as the next president of the United States.
The consensus was of very deep concern that Sarah Palin could even be given the slightest acknowlement of competency by Americans. "What is wrong with these people?"
was a question I was asked daily.
Today, I turned on my computer and was almost in shock from the avalanche of hate spewing forth from the fall out of the Palin/McCain Campaign. Not that I didn't expect it.
I have a deeper respect for Senator Obama for being able to keep his dignity and seemingly good humor. I see his stature rising as he remains calm in this tidal wave of craziness his opponents have unleashed in the more lunatic fringe of their party.
In response to being asked to explain the hate in his party, I read that David Frumm,
The Republican strategist and ex Bush speech writer actually said that he considered satiric humor treasonous. (I would like to recommend that Mr. Frumm visit this website and scroll around and click on the various objects, NOW!)
I can only quote Alice Cramden, the great American philospher who once said to her blowhard husband, Ralph, "Now that you've filled up your gasbag, BUZZ OFF!"

The video is from few years back when John McCain thought ACORN was a great American organization and tried to shake a little action from their tree.

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