Saturday, October 04, 2008

Rappin Rodney....

Here's something else to watch while I'm haulin grapes! 1983 video by Rodhey Dangerfield...Rappin Rodney!
I was such a Dangerfield Fan...I was personally ridiculed by him at his old club on 1st Avenue and 61st Street in New York. After the show, he came over and apologized to me and said "No Hard Feelings" and I told him it had been a high point in my life!
Rodney has been dead for 3 years, but I believe his web page,, lives on and there is still a joke of the day!


  1. He had way more respect than he'd ever taken credit for!

  2. Oh...oh...oh...that was painful.


  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    -sepp. Long time no see. Where have you been? Or where have I been?

    The Loop Garoo Kid

  4. ...uhhh, you guys hang out in some pretty seedy joints...wanna buy some pencils?
